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Which goby is reef friendly?

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Most gobies are reefsafe. However, different species will grow to different sizes and they will have different habits. Many people avoid sandshifting gobies as their behavior might lead to the burrying of corals that are located on the sand bed. Shrimp gobies are kept by many people but these tend to be rather timid if kept alone. If kept with a pistol shrimp you'll have to take into account the burrowing activity of the shrimp. There are also gobies that will live in coralheads. Examples are neon eviotas which prefer to hide in birdnest sps. Also included are clown gobies but avoid these if you are going into sps as these will peck at sps polyps. Open water gobies include the firegobies, etc. These tend to have the bad habit of jumping so ensure your water level is not too high or cover your tank somehow.

Do a search in the member's tank section and you should find quite a few people with gobies. My tank pics also include lots of gobies that I have kept in my tank (now demolished)...and all of them are reefsafe (Excluding the yellow clown goby..the sps nibbler.. :pinch: ).. Also have some logs on their behavior. Hope it helps. ;)

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Sleeper or sand sifter gobies might be reef safe to a certain extent but they are not sand bed friendly because they eat the sand bed fauna which is required for a healthy functioning DSB. They also are quite irritating because they drop sand everywhere.


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