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What clean up crew for 01 x fish / shrimp / snail / others

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I started a 1 feet cube tank with mainly coral frags and some live rocks inside with a layer of sand bed. Doing 5%-10% weekly change with temperature hovering around 26-27 degree. Feeding my coral once a week at ~1/2 the daily dose recommended. 

I am thinking maybe eventually to add a small team of clean up crew of 01x fish 01x shrimp and 01x snail and maybe 01x something else and feed them some pallets to supplement as coral food as well. Any suggestion for suitable crew members? Thank you. 


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Added a black mesh above the cover to reduce light intensity to combat diatoms and bleached sps frags, added a nassarius snail to do some pellet feeding and a red strip Trochus snail to combat diatoms…. Changed the chiller pump to an external pump… let’s see if the diatoms issue can be controlled and the bleached sps frags can be rescued….


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Removed the cover to allow better exchange of air as I measured the pH with a cheap pH pen and realised the reading is low at about 7.6. Going to add more snails and maybe a shrimp or fish thereafter. The centre piece coral (sold to me as a gonio) refuses to open up and hide inside its shell… Some Zoas refuse to open as well.



Edited by Illumbomb
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