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Choice of Tank

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  • SRC Member

Dear all,

Taking my very step into marine. So need to get a tank first. :D

I am hoping to get a tank of roughly 1ft size - not too big or expensive. Basically the intended setup will be just a few pieces of rocks with turtle weeds, and abit of livestocks.

1) Should I go for glass or acrylic tank?

2) If glass, is there any particular thickness required? :unsure:

Thanks again!!! :bow:

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  • SRC Member

Thanks Bubble_gum !!! :bow:

I am intending to put the tank in my office. Not sure if the cubicle table can support such a weight so trying to get something small :D

If acrylic can show the true colours, that will be great :yeah:

Now I am wondering whether I should get those nano tanks with built-in lightings and filtration. Not sure whether their lightings and filtration is good enough for a simple marine tank?

Thanks !!! :lol:

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  • SRC Member
Thanks Bubble_gum !!! :bow:

I am intending to put the tank in my office. Not sure if the cubicle table can support such a weight so trying to get something small :D

If acrylic can show the true colours, that will be great :yeah:

Now I am wondering whether I should get those nano tanks with built-in lightings and filtration. Not sure whether their lightings and filtration is good enough for a simple marine tank?

Thanks !!! :lol:

bro i have a 2ft nano thank... i think the besy filter/skimmer is the red sea prizm for nanos :D u can check www.nanoreef.com for more help on nano reefkeeping B)

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Thanks wts684, :bow:

May I know what is the maintenance you are referring to? I am really a newbie :P

In any case, this may so funny but I will only have a few hermit crabs in the tank with turtle weeds. So perhaps the bioload won't be too much? Thus maintenance should still be relatively simple? :unsure:

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Hi Calcinus,

Welcome to SRC!

Here are some thoughts to consider to get you started...

If all you're intending on keeping in your 1ft nano is some live rock (LR) and hermits, then you may want to consider those simple "all-in-one" setups. They are small and compact with almost everything built-in (filters, powerhead and all). They are made of acrylic I think.

Alternatively, I've seen small square glass tanks as well. You'll need to get a set of power compact (PL) lights and a small hang-on filter.

Both approaches would be ideal for your office given the space constraints. Also, you'll just need a few kg of sand (Grade 1 or 0) costing a few dollars.

With the little live stock that you'll be keeping, your nano should be pretty maintenance free. 20 to 30 % monthly water changes should suffice.

I do not recommend keeping "turtle weed" or macroalgae. Just spend a little on cured quality LR. I expect that you'll need just a few kg.

What's your budget for the entire nano setup?

Happy nano reefing! :)


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I have an acrylic 1.5ft... IMO, it work really fine to me...

although your bio load may be small, be prepared to change around 20% of the water every week cos it helps to keep the nitrate level down....

equipment side, i use a eheim hang on filter and a small PH....

so far, the LS are still alive and happily eating....

converting it to a all shrimp tank soon!


gd luck for your first nano set up!


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:D Thanks Dan and Lastmanstanding for all the advices !!!

Dan, I didnt have any idea on the budget yet but as long as it is not over a $200 setup, I should be alright :lol:

Dan, may I know why did you advise against turtle weeds? Any reasons? Because I was thinking that it may be a good supply of food for the hermit crabs :yeah:

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