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Trading equipment for small zoa colonies

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Hi all I have these equipment that I would like to pass on to someone who can use it.  But would like to get some golfball size zoa colonies for them.  Looking more for some brightly colored ones like rasta, scrambled eggs, hornets and the like.  To trade at 544291.  PM for my contact.  Items and how many colonies i would like for the item in the following posts.

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First item is a media reactor.  It is less than a year old.  Bought it as a fluidized reactor for bio pellets.  It is too big for my cabinet and it was quite difficult to manage it at the angle my cabinet is.  I gave it a light clean.  You may want to get the green tubing to replace the ones I used.  Tap and ball valve included.  Comes with the pump that can be quite noisy but when the cupboard is closed you might not hear it.  Would like two different golfball size brightly colored type zoa colonies that you can part with for this item.


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Second item is a tank light I bought in error.  Brand new and only opened to test.  Got it off Lazada intending to use it as a refugium light but they sent me a white light.  It is yours for a golf ball sized colony of brightly colored zoas. Comes with adaptor plug.


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Want to trade the following items for corals too.  Each bottle for one small golf ball size colony of brightly colored Zoas.  

The Microbe Lift trio I used about 15% of each bottle.  One of them I screwed on too tightly, suddenly no strength to open it.  But should be OK if you have the strength.


Aiptasia Exit, I only used one dose.  Not sure what happened to the aiptasia after that.  Expiring in July 2022 so better to pass it on to someone who may need it.  For the Aiptasia Exit, I think can give me 3 bottle of 1.5L coca cola can already.  I don't think I would want to take over your corals incase. :)


I bought the zeolite stones thinking I would go that way but I decided to maintain my current.  Willing to trade this for Pulsing xenia and cloves and ultra lumi leathers/toadstools.  Attached to rocks preferred.



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Adding on the grow lights that I tried and didn’t really work for me.

The three prong grow light was too red, supposed to be able to toggle the light settings between blue, red and purple.  I found that chaeto grows best under purple light.  The extensions might rust from previous experience with other similar models.  I would like to trade this one for a golf ball sized mid range zoa colony in view of me sourcing this locally and the higher cost.


This light was more closer to what I needed for chaeto growth but the length of the light strip was too long for my sump area since I had very limited space.  I cable tied three of these to a fish tank separator and dangled it like a light bar above my chaeto.  The distance was too far from the water due to the size of the light strip.  It kept the chaeto alive but can't get it to thrive.  I would like to trade this for a golf ball size colony of colourful zoas.  You can cut out the cable ties to separate the light strips when you take it over.  


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