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caught on camera


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  • SRC Member

yesterday went to aqua star................

shop ard as usual

see see look look

touch touch here and there ..............

by all of a sudden the when wanting to ask for the pricing of some stuff

without answering wat i wan

the boss start to tell me some weird stuff...........

he said in chinese

"i very scared u ppl walk here and there, ist comeinto this side then later go to the next and wondering all ard............." :unsure:

then say wat he saw ppl alot of time on his "spy" cam ppl open up box and steal thing or see the stuff inside............

then he start say tat he saw me open up the box to look at the inside products............

as he talk i felt miserable and almost kena blackout

OH SHIT I AM ON CAMERA...................................................

later he say wat dunno give my name to dunno wat police

and wat IC......all the funny funny stuff........................

TO PPL WHO KNOW ME.........................

AM I A THIEF... :cry2: ?????????????????????????

as usaul wat normally we go into shop we as customer got habit of open up box to see the internal stuff right.................

i think i remember liao

tat time sourcing for return pump have to open up the box to see the actual spec on the pump so bo bian

so maybe i unlucky kena shot down by their camera.....................................

so nxt time u go

maybe will be the nxt person is you........................be careful........

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not trying to say or point fingers here, but I think its courtesy to inform/ask the owner of the shop if you could open the box. like what Vinoth said, this is to prevent any misunderstanding and all.

imagine a friend coming to your house and taking a look at your fridge to see if you stocked up on his favourite German white beer. or taking a look through your cupboard to see if you have a stash of porno for him to look at. or something along those lines. you wouldn't be too pleased either, would you? (=

anyway, I'm sure if your intention is clear and your conscience is clear, you should not feel too bad about what you did. just take it as a reminder for the future. (=

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  • SRC Member
not trying to say or point fingers here, but I think its courtesy to inform/ask the owner of the shop if you could open the box. like what Vinoth said, this is to prevent any misunderstanding and all.

imagine a friend coming to your house and taking a look at your fridge to see if you stocked up on his favourite German white beer. or taking a look through your cupboard to see if you have a stash of porno for him to look at. or something along those lines. you wouldn't be too pleased either, would you? (=

anyway, I'm sure if your intention is clear and your conscience is clear, you should not feel too bad about what you did. just take it as a reminder for the future. (=

yah lor bro......

tats why i know is my mistake shouldnt hve done tat.......................

if not i will scream bk to the boss if i never done it at all...............

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well i admit is my fault to open up box to see the stuff mah...........

but let say i am looking for my pump.............

u r the one who serve me.............

i ask and ask

u open up one by one................

and lastly i say dun one................

how will u think.................


ended his talking by say sori sori...............

as i said as he talk i almost goin to blackout

so jus dun care wat the hack he saying and jus go a side to cool my self............

dam tired and some more talk nonsense to me............

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But hor the last time i went there, they prefer standing outside at the table than to entertain my requests (was asking about some bulbs). After that i just left the place. Dont see a point shopping there if i dont feel i'm welcome.

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But hor the last time i went there, they prefer standing outside at the table than to entertain my requests (was asking about some bulbs). After that i just left the place. Dont see a point shopping there if i dont feel i'm welcome.

nowadays i also felt tat they are so cocky towards customer....................

think their biz goin to crash sooner......................

wat is so special abt tat table???????????????

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  • SRC Member

nonono their dry good used to be cheap... now increased prices by a lot already!!! my uncle bought a dolphin canister filter at 120 only to realise that a shop also in yishun is selling the exact same one at 90 bucks... I bought WEipro 4000 Pump at 35 from Aquastar only to realise that other shops all selling at around 28... Most of their dry goods' price increased marginally... Their price was very good at first probably due to the fact that they were starting out new and wanted to gain reputaion for their good prices quickly... now that they are quite well known, they raise their prices to earn more from us :(

Very sad... wasted quite a lot of money because I thought their equipments and other dry goods would be cheaper than other LFS...

Live and Let Live

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  • SRC Member
not trying to say or point fingers here, but I think its courtesy to inform/ask the owner of the shop if you could open the box. like what Vinoth said, this is to prevent any misunderstanding and all.

imagine a friend coming to your house and taking a look at your fridge to see if you stocked up on his favourite German white beer. or taking a look through your cupboard to see if you have a stash of porno for him to look at. or something along those lines. you wouldn't be too pleased either, would you? (=

anyway, I'm sure if your intention is clear and your conscience is clear, you should not feel too bad about what you did. just take it as a reminder for the future. (=


Nice simon but you forgot something that u r not comparing an apple to an apple.

In the shop, all though items are for sale purpose.

@ home, the fridge is family use.

As customer ( once run the shop b4 ), I would open as well to see or check what inside before decide to buy UNLESS

they have shown the same sample item.

Simple if owner doesn't want customer to open than just use tape to stick it. It'll send the message to customer that owner doen't want us to open without his/her prior approval.

It's fair.

Even if they show sample, I will still insit to open the new box which I am going to buy. Because who would know, I will have some item missing or even the different thing that I bought. ( You might surprise, I bought a pair of shoes and didn't open it, just check outside # and reach home different # ).

just my 2C

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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agreed, a shop is not a home and the goods that are to be sold are meant to browsed by the shopper.

I remember some time back, there are some 'who ha' about people opening books that are sealed in packages....apparently accordingly to lawyers interview by the press, its perfectly ok for shoppers to do this unless the shop has put up some signs saying otherwise....whats more i suspect most of the items in the fish shop are not even kept in sealed warppers, I don't think the shop owner has any grounds to accuss you of stealing, if fact if i were you, i would challange him to file a police report and then sue him back for deflamation....

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then it brings me back to my first point, common courtesy.

sure, it may be items for sale and you as a consumer have the right to go check the box and everything. but put yourself in the shop owner's shoes. how would he feel if he happened to have miscellaneous items missing from different boxes? nobody is doubting the end consumer, but there are always bad apples. and these bad apples may be the ones who actually open up the boxes, see that there is a gasket for their faulty one, take it out of the box, close the box up and put it back into the shelf.

secondly, people *me myself included* may not be able to open up the boxes properly. there are times *after asking for permission* I open the box, I accidentally tear the flaps off by a fair bit. now, imagine another consumer walking into the shop and looking at that box that I just opened. when he sees the torn edges/flaps, he's gonna haggle with the owner over the fact that it may be 2nd hand goods/returned goods from other consumers. how on earth is the shop owner going to feel?

it may be perfectly okay for you to fart and sneeze in public, but its common courtesy to say "excuse me/bless me" after that. the same thing applies here. business etiquette may give consumers the benefit of the doubt and allow us to open it up and browse such items, but its common courtesy to ask prior to doing that.

not accusing anybody of being impolite and rude and arrogant and etc. just trying to highlight my two cents point of view.


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I think if u ask nicely n got the intention to buy (not to find info.. tat u can check here), then its oki to ask the owner..

I was at Borders the other day when an ah lau tear off the magazines wrapped nicely, I stared at him n wait to see if he put it back properly.

He does, so I just carry on browsing.

Its his rules when u in the house, not that he did not provide any good service. Say ppl comes your place, start to touch your things even though they are guests?

I won't say u r a thief, but itchy hands.. many youngster guilty of that, me included in my younger days..

Now also itchy at time, but I back up with some buying.. haha..!

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  • SRC Member

Actually, it may be better to get permission before opening anything, especially if wrapped. What if the packaging or goods are damaged? U may be held responsible. Believe in the earlier example of lawyers saying it is ok to unwrap to check condition of goods before purchase, what may have been left out i that if u damage the goods in the process of doing so, u may be liable for restitution, ie either to buy the stuff or to return the stuff to its original condition (and I am not referring to the wrapping here :P ). If the goods are not damaged, then yes, it may well be said u can browse, but then again, asking for permission may save u a lot of potential heartache...(or wallet ache for that matter!). Myself, if I want to inspect, always ask permission and where wrapped well, always ask the counter staff to open for me...

:off:, but don't u hate it when aunties go and touch touch here and there all over the groceries (eg fruits & veggies and other foodstuff) u are about to buy for your own consumption? :P Same principle...

No offense intended but just food for thought...

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after goin thru all fellow reefers feedbacks........


how do i put it?

i mean is my wrong to open up boxes to see the inside products without permission............

but as u know most of the stuff down there are not seal at all...........

not even a simple scotch tape to tape up a small length................

this directly will sent information across to the customer tat is ok to open up the box to see.................

BUT down there sometime wantin to ask them simple qs like wat is the flow rate and wattage those stuff also dunno...................

so WHY BOTHER TO ASK THEM ............................SO IF U WERE ME WAT WILL U DO?

AM I RIGHT TO SAY .................BUFFET..????

and i remember i saw them selling this hailea pump 6530 in the shop b 4................

few days later went there again...........not there on the shelf liao......................

wow know wat the boss say to me.................

"ay, 6530 is quite near to the next pump so we actually dun take in such model for sale lor........................!"

few days b 4 just saw tat pump on sale.............

no stocks already there already and SIMPLY ENTERTAIN me by saying such thing.............

so why am i bother to ask them again to serve me on my pump.............................

not trying to proof any thing lor but is just the facts......................

similar thing also happen to weishun whom wantin to get weipro 2013......................

give all sort of funny funny talks...................

weird................................................ :blink:

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Hermit, end of day, relax-lah...there will always be bad experiences in life...what is key is that we learn from them and after which forget the incident and move on...don't let an unpleasant experiemce get u down...

My own personal view is that if I need service, I will go to a shop that provides the good service, and will place less imptce on price...that way, over time, the shops with less knowledge/worse service will find that they need to gain more knowledge/up their service in order to continue their business....they will also learn that good service and good knowldge allows them better margins...will it happen overnight? Probably not, but it's a start... ;)

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  • SRC Member
Hermit, end of day, relax-lah...there will always be bad experiences in life...what is key is that we learn from them and after which forget the incident and move on...don't let an unpleasant experiemce get u down...

My own personal view is that if I need service, I will go to a shop that provides the good service, and will place less imptce on price...that way, over time, the shops with less knowledge/worse service will find that they need to gain more knowledge/up their service in order to continue their business....they will also learn that good service and good knowldge allows them better margins...will it happen overnight? Probably not, but it's a start... ;)

u r right bro...............

not very angry bcos i realised tat utimately is still my mistakes.............

jus need to let our fellow SRC reefers aware wat is happening in tat shop only..........

but if next time they goin to talk to me about such thing again i will FIGHT BACK...........

dun give a dam to wat police file or other nonsense.............................. :angel:

will go back to tat shop again.................

see wat they wan to do wif me again.........................

more over i am still their regular customers................................

but i think to them they are more fearful of me as a suspicious guy than a regular customers............................ :blink:

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