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DiY 2 Fan with 1 adptor


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys

i have 2 fans and a adptor

fan spec : DC 12v 0.90A

Adptor : DC 12v 1.5A

Here is the question .

Can i connect 2 fan to this adptor ?? If possible how to connect it ???

series or paraller?? 2 fan added up will be 1.8A will my adptor burn out

or i have to get a DC 12V .090A adptor ??

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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Better get those rated as high as possible as you are going to turn them on 24x7 right? Mine is rated 1000mA and has been running for a year, 24x7. Only S$10 from SL basement.

Serial / parallel? I just join red to red, black to black (fan wires) for the two fans I have and connect direct to the adaptor.

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if i use 1.8A for 1 fan do you think my fan will burn out ???

i guess will

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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No problem to join it parallel, your fan will still have 12V supply to each fan. Dun join in series because each fan will have only 6V with current being 1.5A. If you want to use 1 fan only, to counter the current, just put a resistor will solve the problem. After your DIY fan, I am pretty sure you will ask for DIY water top up because your tank water will evaporate much faster with the 2 fans blowing. :D

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No problem to join it parallel, your fan will still have 12V supply to each fan. Dun join in series because each fan will have only 6V with current being 1.5A. If you want to use 1 fan only, to counter the current, just put a resistor will solve the problem. After your DIY fan, I am pretty sure you will ask for DIY water top up because your tank water will evaporate much faster with the 2 fans blowing. :D

Definitely, he will be doing a DIY topup system. Just image on a fine day and 1 fan blowing with only 3.5' x 1' surface, I need to top up 1 x 1.5L bottle and on a hot day I'll need to top up 2 x 1.5L. Damn the water vapories too fast.




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hahah i top up every night

and till now i only use one fan cant seem to find 2A adoptor

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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if i use 1.8A for 1 fan do you think my fan will burn out ???

i guess will

Your fan won't burn out. Adaptor current rating should be higher than the actual load requirement.

If the load requires 2.0amps, and your adaptor can deliver up to 1.8amps, your adaptor will heat up.

Also, always connect loads in parallel. :D

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Your fan won't burn out. Adaptor current rating should be higher than the actual load requirement.

If the load requires 2.0amps, and your adaptor can deliver up to 1.8amps, your adaptor will heat up.

Also, always connect loads in parallel. :D


Get a higer rated unit else risk meltdown of adapter or worse fire hazard.


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