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LPS start to do badly after putting them near MH


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As above, after rescaping and decided to put my LPS(brain~lobo,BUBBLE's,star plyops) on the 1st level of my rock structure and getting the mots ammount of lights, All of them start not to open as compared to where i put them right below..My bubbles did not even open up for 5days and my brain seems to expose its skeleton..I thought putting them higher which will have direct lighting will make them open up but infact...they dont really show much at all..Whereas,my maxi(clams) is doing veri well..Btw,i am using a 250watt MH..why is my LPS on top not opening..The rest of my buttons , mushrooms, alvero,plate,glaxy...are all doing veri good..SO wads the problem..Pls advice..THANkx. :peace:

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You did'nt acclimatize them to the sudden increase in light. Your LPS are literally getting burnt from the sudden increase in photosynthetic activity via oxidative stress. Move your LPS lower and wait for them to recover. You should only start moving them upwards once they have open up like before.

Always something more important than fish.


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You did'nt acclimatize them to the sudden increase in light. Your LPS are literally getting burnt from the sudden increase in photosynthetic activity via oxidative stress. Move your LPS lower and wait for them to recover. You should only start moving them upwards once they have open up like before.

hey,thanks FuEL.. :thanks:

will do that immediately..

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