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Micro bubbles from skimmer


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Hi , I am using Redsea 300 protein skimmer. My tank is redsea 250, previously I had cyano algae in the tank so I did chemiclean last week. After chemiclean I did a 30% water change and then added back the carbon into the filter sock. It looked all fine and all my cyano were flushed off. I bought a chiller last week on secondhand and started using it in my tank. After adding it I saw the skimmer releasing lot of micro bubbles. If I keep the skimmer not running I don't see any of the bubbles in the display tank. The chiller was previously used in a shrimp and planted tank. Water parameters are good. Nitrite and ammonia are 0 but my nitrate level was 100 prevously which got down to 50 now. I am also planning to put in some LPS , will the current issue kill the LPS . If there is any remedy please help me.20210929_123452.jpg20210929_123434.jpg


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Also using a red sea skimmer, dont see the problem u describe. For the new chiller causing skimmer bubbles maybe is due to certain contaminants and skimmer trying to skim it out, maybe the previous owner did some flushing and there is still residue. Did u do your own flushing with DI water when u get ur chiller? Its best to do some flushing before running to ur main display.

For skimmer causing bubble in tank Certain things u can check

1. Is ur skimmer overflowing and the bubbles flowing out? if so u need to tune down ur skimmer.

2. Maybe some leaks in ur skimmer body, u shld check it as well

3. u need to check ur water level in sump, if too low, return pump will pull in air and cause bubble into ur main display, when skimmer is on, the water level will drop, best is to see ur return pump in action to see if any abnormalities.

For adding LPS with high nitrates, its depends on ur risk appetite and no 100% sure yes or no. Would recommend u to start off with softies like leather, mushrooms, den slowly move to hardier LPS like duncan. Personally feel euphyllias like torch hammer frogspawn can be tricky with brown jelly disease, euphyllia eating flatworms etc, and especially so when ur tank is new and more susceptible to parameters fluctuation. Golden advise in reefing is still to go slow and i feel it is still holds true today. Hope got help u. Happy reefing!

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