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Ph seems a bit low.

The rest of e three seems normal and signals that the cycling process has started. Tank should be ready for livestocks when ammonia n nitrites hit zero.

Remember to do a big water change at e end of cycle.

Welcome to e hobby!

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First, I think it is not quite possible for it to be this low. May wanna check ur test kits.

There are many other interesting methods to raise ph but, the easiest way to raise ph is to make sure good circulation of air in the room, so that the built up of CO2, which causes ph to drop, is removed from the water.

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I do find these numbers intriguing. For a single day of cycling, the bacteria population is not well developed enough to rapidly denitrify. On the other hand,  there is significant level of nitrate (final product of nitrification) 

What kind of water did you use? 

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