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Neon Green Clove Not Open


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I have purchased a medium frag of neon green clove polyps from a local marine store. I was told by the owner that it will slowly open in tank after min 3 days of acclimatization. However, I notice it it started to rotten on 4th day. My water parameters is pH (8.2) , KH (9), ammonia (0.25 ppm), nitrite (0.25ppm) and nitrate (160ppm). I am trying my best to reduce nitrate. 

Is it because high nitrate resulted it is dying? Welcome anyone share their photo of blooming clove polyps.1081079505_20210916_0826012.jpg.be9b554d2dbac568862be4ce1029d2b5.jpg

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4 hours ago, Winnard said:

Mine opened within the same day I placed it in the tank. Is your tank new? Did you cycle?
Find the source of your problems first before adding anything. You also have ammonia. JPEG_20210916_203307_5583241437557543424.jpg

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

My tank is about 3.5 months old. I do have some fishes, anemone and pulsing xenia but they still looks ok. Guess my tank condition still not ready yet especially that nitrate. I also never check for phosphate level. But I thought clove polyp should be quite hardy and good for beginner. I was really surprised to it rotten like this. Does clove require low nitrate, low phosphate and temperature below 28 deg C? My tank temperature is around 29.8 degC


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4 hours ago, Gongon78 said:

It's gone case.Sorry for yr lost.Tats really looks rotten.Shouldnt be till tis bad shape.Is yr tank new.


Wow....I really admire your clove polyp. That's the condition I see when I bought from marine shop but never happen in my tank. My tank is around 3.5 months old. Guess still not stabilize as I didn't check got phosphate, calcium and magnesium level. What do u maintain for your tank to kept clove polyp?

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10 minutes ago, Kenjitan5285 said:

Pass test result
13 Sep
Mg 1380
KH 8
Cal 500
Ak 1.026

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13 minutes ago, Kenjitan5285 said:

For soft coral it need iodine for main element. i dose 3 times weekly with AB+

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you maintain low level of Nitrate and Phosphate? 

Did u check for nitrate levels? Because I saw some articles is quite risky to overdose iodine which is toxic for fish and coral.

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22 hours ago, Xuannyyy said:

I highly think its see the clove mood hahahaha some of my cloves open like nothing, while some just refuse to, give it some time i realize no rush btr

Unfortunately my clove already disintegrated, so no chance to see it to open anymore. Got to buy another cloves.

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