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Golden Angel

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itz been 3 days since the golden is in the breeder tank. thou not eating but itz getting less stress. still monitoring. so far coral beauty nv disturb but golden seems anxious to get out. will update again & try to post pic too.

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itz been 3 days since the golden is in the breeder tank. thou not eating but itz getting less stress. still monitoring. so far coral beauty nv disturb but golden seems anxious to get out. will update again & try to post pic too.


suggest of you wanna let it out, do it at night when the fishes are sleeping... :)

Vincent Ho

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  • SRC Member
well, juz a good adv to all. nv leave golden angel in breeder tank. can't take the stress i suppose. it died on me last nite!

What!!! :(:(:(

Lucky you post an update of the status on it. I was about to capture it tonight and put it in a breeders tank. I was thinking of buying a breeder that is opaque so that the sight of other fish and me will not stress it too much.By the way, did it eat when it was in the breeder tank?

More advise from experience hobbyist, pls.




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well, juz a good adv to all. nv leave golden angel in breeder tank. can't take the stress i suppose. it died on me last nite!


was the breeder tank a plastic tank left to float in the main tank? Golden angels cant take the stress when there are many fishes swimming around. Especially the feeding frenzy, it can really frighten the Golden, should have advised you to release it asap... :(

Vincent Ho

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What!!! :(:(:(

Lucky you post an update of the status on it. I was about to capture it tonight and put it in a breeders tank. I was thinking of buying a breeder that is opaque so that the sight of other fish and me will not stress it too much.By the way, did it eat when it was in the breeder tank?

More advise from experience hobbyist, pls.

Me no expert, but the Golden angel would go pecking on your rocks on search for sponges and copepods.... only learnt dat after I lost 4 of them! :( :( :(

So they'll survive better than we thought, so dun have to worry if they not eating... but of course, if you keep a Golden who's daring and feed with the other fishes, dat would be the best! and its not impossible, heard of Goldens who dun hide! Wish i had one of them! :yeah:

Juz my $0.02....

Vincent Ho :P

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Talk about dead expensive fish. This will be my 4th. Previously 2 Regal Angel & 1 Golden Angel.

Haiz... already lost count of the fishes I lost, recent losses include one Achillies Tang and a Queen Angel... so sad.... the worse part is that they die for no apparent reason and most were feeding liao... :(

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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Hi RAV-65, do you mean your new Queen Angel that you post not so long time ago was dead already, WOW, i think your water parameter is too bad because Queen is though enough to handle such a toleratable nitrate and phospate value for FOWLR system, i think your tank is not mature enough, so maybe ammonia or nitrite is spike in your tank.

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the breeder tank was stuck at a corner of the tank but not many fishes ard. well, bo bian. thot of getting another golden but getting my wife to endorse now. haha.

God, I waited like 1 month for a shipment of Golden Angel to arrive and I really really hope that she can survive and trive in my tank. She is still too shy to compete with the rest of the pack that eats like pig.

I have been using Henry's recipe in the tank. I guess I really have to keep all fingers cross that she doesn't die on me like the Elibi angel.




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  • SRC Member

Haiz... already lost count of the fishes I lost, recent losses include one Achillies Tang and a Queen Angel... so sad.... the worse part is that they die for no apparent reason and most were feeding liao... :(

Hey, cheer up bro. Yes, it truly is sad when you lose a beautiful one... there's more to life than these small fishes and corals and even ... money!. Much more, I'm sure you know, sometimes we all need to be reminded of the many blessings we have.... parents, wifey, kids, home to go to. Don't you think, sometimes we're all a "little" excessive (my wife seems to think so of me!)

I have some test kits, I can bring over to your place when I collect the white frag from you... we can test and verify your water parameters and maybe find out whats going on.... (only if you want).

BTW what's with the late nites or should I ask, early mornings entries?

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