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Corals & all kinds of Tangs for Sale


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Pink Prata & Peach with luminous light green brain & all kinds of Tang

1. Pink Prata - $380

2. Peach with luminous light green brain - $280

3. Luminous light green Elegance - $50

4. Hammer dark green - $35

5. Brain coral (with luminous light green) - $65

Note all fishes are from Coral farm (kept for 1 1/2 years)

1. Blue Tang 3" - $45 (1pcs)

(Paracanthurus hepatus)

2. Yellow belly Blue Tang 3.5" & 4" both are pairs - $160 (both)

3. Sailfin Tang 5" - $58 (1pcs)

(Zebrasoma veliferum)

4. Sohal Tang 7" - $250 (1pcs)

(Acanthurus sohal)

5. Orangeshoulder Tang 5" - $85 (1pcs)

(Acanthurus olivaceous)

6. Naso ###### Tang 7.5" - $250 (1pcs)

(Naso lituratus)

7. Blue Unicorn Tang 5" with horn - $120 (1pcs)

(Naso brevirostris)

8. Vlamingii Tang 7.5" - $250 (1pcs)

(Naso vlamingii)

9. Chocolate Tang 6" - $85 (1pcs)

(Mimic Tang)

10. Saddle Brown Clownfish 3" - $10 (1pcs)

(Amphiprion polymnus)

11. Tomato Clownfish 2" - $5

(Amphiprion frenatus)

Interested page: 96061928.

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  • SRC Member

bro...do post the pics up...very interested to see especially 1st time i see this kind of pricing..no offends but just wanna see is it really worth the hundreds. and the fishes too.

upz for ur sales!

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  • SRC Member
Pink Prata & Peach with luminous light green brain & all kinds of Tang

1. Pink Prata - $380

2. Peach with luminous light green brain - $280

3. Luminous light green Elegance - $50

4. Hammer dark green - $35

5. Brain coral (with luminous light green) - $65

Note all fishes are from Coral farm (kept for 1 1/2 years)

1. Blue Tang 3" - $45 (1pcs)

(Paracanthurus hepatus)

2. Yellow belly Blue Tang 3.5" & 4" both are pairs - $160 (both)

3. Sailfin Tang 5" - $58 (1pcs)

(Zebrasoma veliferum)

4. Sohal Tang 7" - $250 (1pcs)

(Acanthurus sohal)

5. Orangeshoulder Tang 5" - $85 (1pcs)

(Acanthurus olivaceous)

6. Naso ###### Tang 7.5" - $250 (1pcs)

(Naso lituratus)

7. Blue Unicorn Tang 5" with horn - $120 (1pcs)

(Naso brevirostris)

8. Vlamingii Tang 7.5" - $250 (1pcs)

(Naso vlamingii)

9. Chocolate Tang 6" - $85 (1pcs)

(Mimic Tang)

10. Saddle Brown Clownfish 3" - $10 (1pcs)

(Amphiprion polymnus)

11. Tomato Clownfish 2" - $5

(Amphiprion frenatus)

Interested page: 96061928.

Am I in Singapore or States? Hehe


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  • SRC Member
maybe BIG corals he have.. cos his tangs all quite big.. later 10footer tank he got..

Wah lao......You all..........I think after seeing all these comments.......he dont dare to post pic liao...........


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Interested in some fish, are they trained?

what do you mean? Jump thru rubberbands?

Think can pm him with an offer if find that pirces are too high. Anyway, CF fishes of those size are not cheap.

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  • SRC Member

WOW, when someone asked for discount on here always kena scold up by screwdrivers. But these screwdrivers instead do the same thing here.

Comon guys, give him a break. Be more polite.

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  • SRC Member

wha lao his fishes price too steep ler . for a BT 3` cost 45 bucks , come on . the rest try to reduce , cost all seee sure get big headache one . soory ar for the comments , but i see the fish prices a bit expensive more in what some LFs sold.... :blink::blink:

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