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My New Toy to Beat the Heat - Chiller


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  • SRC Member

The one that I end up choosing, 1/2 hp commercial chiller. :lol:

The thermostat is set to 25.5 deg C

The chiller runs for bout 25min then stops. The condenser fan is much more powerful than the 1/3 aquarium version. I took the chiller apart and foun that the condenser is much bigger.

This results in efficient cooling of the refrigerant. = faster cooling and power saving.



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  • SRC Member

I wanted to reduce the heat in my living room. Especially when no one's home and the windows are close. Consulted a chiller guy to relocate the chiller to my service becony but the ugly result of running trunking changed my mind.

I had a old fan lying around and thought of connecting it to act like a ventilation / exhaust fan to remove hot air in my living room. But the thought of running a fan 24/7 got me thinking, if only the fan can run when the chiller is running and stop when the chiller stop.

I ended up looking at the schematice of the thermostat. Found that it is very easy to connect a fan to the control unit. so here's the result. Cooler room!! ke ke :lol:


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  • SRC Member

The chiller seat behind my couch and not noticeable. The fan though not pleasing to the eyes, result in a much cooler room and no complaints! ke ke... The chiller itself had some modifications made to reduce noise and is very queit. Insulation heat resistant foam was added in the chiller to reduced vibration. All that can be heard is a humming sound of the fan. sound bout the same as a big house hold fan.

And the super short run-time is much better than my teco that take 1.5 hrs to cool by 1 deg. the 1/3 version is good enough and takes bout60-70min to cool 1 deg. But this is the ultimate, using the same power as my Teco, round 400 watt but cool in < 1/3 the time! :D

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  • SRC Member

Condensation only occurs at the heat exchanger. When the cooling coil cool the heat exchanger, the air is cool and moisture in the air condense on the coil due to the temp difference.

In the case of a chiller, the heat exchanger cools water and not air. Thus the cool coil is in contact with water and not air. so condensation is not a problem.

This is a commercial unit for sea water, not air. ke ke... :lol:

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