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Nano reef aquascape


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  • SRC Member

In my view..too many rocks. You need to allow water flow to happen. Assuming yours is a nano tank with a bit of height, your aim shd be height vs width. I personally like the first one the most but felt too many rocks / complicated

my 2 cents

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In my view..too many rocks. You need to allow water flow to happen. Assuming yours is a nano tank with a bit of height, your aim shd be height vs width. I personally like the first one the most but felt too many rocks / complicated
my 2 cents

Hm Thats true i just bought the rocks in a set tgt and didnt tot of taking out some of it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe you can share what you planning to keep, 

if you gna keep some sofites like xenia n some zoas, plan space for islands so they dont overtake your entire scape,

made this mistake once and its very hard to remove them without tearing down the whole setup. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe you can share what you planning to keep, 
if you gna keep some sofites like xenia n some zoas, plan space for islands so they dont overtake your entire scape,
made this mistake once and its very hard to remove them without tearing down the whole setup. 

Yeap been thinking what corals to put probaly starting with zoas at the bottom first

This is my layout for now, thinking of making a cave? Idk

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Ah I’m sorry to mistake it haha, your setup still will be hard to get flow. Do some google search on other people’s nano tanks and adjust ur scape… more small rocks stacked will be better as water can flow thru your scape

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Ah I’m sorry to mistake it haha, your setup still will be hard to get flow. Do some google search on other people’s nano tanks and adjust ur scape… more small rocks stacked will be better as water can flow thru your scape


Yeap just change the landscape. Right now im just using the filter as flow idk if thats enough. Its a shiruba 360

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  • SRC Member

Bro.Advices to u.

With tat kind of setup.Its Veri difficult for u to succeed in keeping marine livestocks and corals.

Tink u really need to google mre and research more about marine keeping b4 u even add in livestocks

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  • SRC Member

Depends on what you plan to keep, it can ranges from easy and low maintenance to almost impossible. 

A small aquarium has its challenges. Perhaps you can share about what you plan to keep? (What kind of corals,  what kind of fish,  etc) 

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  • SRC Member

What lighting are you using ?

At 25cm ( considering the rock at 10cm tall) it is very shallow and with 10hours of lighting period, soon you will battle algae issues. 

with the limited height space, I would suggest you to do without those bulky rock. Keep those smaller rock instead for small fishes like goby to play ard or hiding.

for the rock scape, for starters, you can considering getting those common Zoas clustering type in palm size rock. This rock can act as your main scape rock. You will not be staring at bare rock also.


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Depends on what you plan to keep, it can ranges from easy and low maintenance to almost impossible. 
A small aquarium has its challenges. Perhaps you can share about what you plan to keep? (What kind of corals,  what kind of fish,  etc) 

Rn i dont plan to keep fishes but maybe inverts. I am planning to get soft corals only like zoa, hammer, mushrooms

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What lighting are you using ?
At 25cm ( considering the rock at 10cm tall) it is very shallow and with 10hours of lighting period, soon you will battle algae issues. 

with the limited height space, I would suggest you to do without those bulky rock. Keep those smaller rock instead for small fishes like goby to play ard or hiding.
for the rock scape, for starters, you can considering getting those common Zoas clustering type in palm size rock. This rock can act as your main scape rock. You will not be staring at bare rock also.

Yeah im getting diatoms algae on the rocks now and have reduce the white light and more blue light to see if it helps. I have been wiping the walls and changing water every week. Gonna get snail and invert to clean up abit.

Yeah i too think that the rock is too big. I also reduce the level of the sand bed and took out the big purple rock. I got a zoa 2 weeks ago and its been living well :) IMG_5462.JPG

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Yeah im getting diatoms algae on the rocks now and have reduce the white light and more blue light to see if it helps. I have been wiping the walls and changing water every week. Gonna get snail and invert to clean up abit.

Yeah i too think that the rock is too big. I also reduce the level of the sand bed and took out the big purple rock. I got a zoa 2 weeks ago and its been living well default_smile.png IMG_5462.thumb.JPG.bfe5f20ef959fc2ad21f1b7b9f63ef02.JPG

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Im using AQUA KNIGHT as lighting. Its a 30w one

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