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My new 4x2x2ft tank project.


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  • SRC Member

metal halide stand...

got the metal halide casing from SUGI... very heavy. worried that the upper support section may not be able to widthstand the weight.

what we did was to add 2x12mm glass glued together with a triangular glass used as a T support.


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  • SRC Member

oh yeah... since i'm at it... might as well show you guys some skimate results using weipro2013 skimmer.

on the left, using haelia 6450 pump. (after 2 weeks)

on the right, using extrema pump. (after 2 weeks)

hmmph... seems that 6450 can produce more gunk.


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  • SRC Member

ok, now QUESTIONS :

1. water movement created from the MD55 is very good. Do i still need to place a tunze 6060 in my tank ?

2. I'm still in a fix on whether to go for Berlin system or DSB.

3. MD55 runs very HOT. Can get scalded if touch too long.

4. ELCB tripped when i was out. I do not know was it due to the MD55 being over heated or some other things. Anyway, the main wire is shared by a 2hp air-cond. I do not know if the LOAD is too much.

Currently on the same electrical point, I'll have :

2x MD-55s = 260w

0.5hp chiller = 405w

2x 150w MH = 300w

2HP aircond = 1500w ?

too much load ?

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  • SRC Member
ok, now QUESTIONS :

1. water movement created from the MD55 is very good. Do i still need to place a tunze 6060 in my tank ?

2. I'm still in a fix on whether to go for Berlin system or DSB.

3. MD55 runs very HOT. Can get scalded if touch too long.

4. ELCB tripped when i was out. I do not know was it due to the MD55 being over heated or some other things. Anyway, the main wire is shared by a 2hp air-cond. I do not know if the LOAD is too much.

Currently on the same electrical point, I'll have :

2x MD-55s = 260w

0.5hp chiller = 405w

2x 150w MH = 300w

2HP aircond = 1500w ?

too much load ?

Need to check you load balance.

1. Does all this unit connect to one extention point?

2. Does this extention point share same point line as the aircon? (This is a stupid question but just in case some aircon installer .....)

3. Standard ELCB will trip at overcurrent, so if by any chance any equipment along the same powerline as the extention is turn on thus causing a sudden surge of high current drawn will cause the ELCB to trip.

4. ELCB fuse faulty if it trips too offen.

To resolve,

HDB flat/ Condo

Get the electrical layout print from HDB/ Condo management to check all the points.

Pirvate property

You should have this print.




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  • SRC Member

well... the air-cond compressor is connected directly to the ELCB point. whereas the blower and the other fish tank stuffs are connected to a single point. the trip only happened once.

but during that time, the main air-cond was not turned on. so, don't think the load is heavy ?

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