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Clam Parade


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image very blur leh....I think need to hold on to button lightly....focus and when image is clear ..then click.. :) U re using the ixus, right? use the tulip function as well...sharper image :)

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That is a really cool looking clam.....Spider...I actually went down to lok for an exact piece after seeing yours......but dun have leh...sigh....

here's a piece I got from a fellow reefer....like the extension ....I think it likes the MH bath!


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That is a really cool looking clam.....Spider...I actually went down to lok for an exact piece after seeing yours......but dun have leh...sigh....

here's a piece I got from a fellow reefer....like the extension ....I think it likes the MH bath!

I would love to eat that clam

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keke...U guys are funny...go eat your oh luo......leave my corcea alone...heres the top view

how big is that clam??

anyone see giant clam for sale?

ah, yes. talked to spider the other

day, turf city got sell abalone n other

makan clams sibo?

thought maybe dump them in my fish

only tank. dun dose anything, CNY

can take out n eat.

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how big is that clam??

anyone see giant clam for sale?

ah, yes. talked to spider the other

day, turf city got sell abalone n other

makan clams sibo?

thought maybe dump them in my fish

only tank. dun dose anything, CNY

can take out n eat.

t9* have one giant maxima

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yup....its a corcea...I dun think I saw maximas...and it is not a giant...it is about 5 , 6 inches or more....not those you see in some of the reefers' tanks...

Maybe DA really saw them....but sold off lah...its monday......probably sold on SAt. Sun liaoz.................

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