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Need some advise in water chemistry!

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  • SRC Member

Hi all, hope you guys can give me some advises in how to obtain the following factors in reef keeping.

1. PH Level - How do i mantain a steady PH level? Whats the optimal level for ph?

2. KH Level - How do i mantain a steady KH level? Whats the optimal level for KH?

3. PO4 Level - How do i keep phosphate level down? Whats the optimal level for PO4?

4. Is hardness of water the same as KH level?

Is there anymore important factors that i have missed out involving water chemistry for reefing? If there is, can someone please kindly advise? Thanks a million.

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  • SRC Member

PH level will stabilise once ur tank is properly set up and everything is established. your saltwater should already be at the desired pH and your sand help to naturally buffer the pH. you can add pH buffers as well.

KH can be raised by adding carbonate supplement then maintained by dosing Kalk.

PO4 reduction use rowaphos. optimal level for PO4 is 0 :P

KH is carbonate hardness of water. meaning the amount of carbonates present in water.

GH is the General Hardness.

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  • SRC Member

Here are the general guidelines:

Salinity: 1.022

Temp: 25 or 26 deg Cel

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 0-5 ppm

ph: 8.2-8.3

Calcium: 400\ -450 ppm

Phosphate: 0


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  • SRC Member

Thanks guys for the guildlines. Today i just went to buy PH Buffer of Seachem, then Phosguard of Seachem also. Does these 2 products helps? After adding PH Buffer, my PH reads 8.0, is this ph level good enough for my tank? Haven tested for phosphate yet cos dun have tester.

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  • SRC Member
Thanks guys for the guildlines. Today i just went to buy PH Buffer of Seachem, then Phosguard of Seachem also. Does these 2 products helps? After adding PH Buffer, my PH reads 8.0, is this ph level good enough for my tank? Haven tested for phosphate yet cos dun have tester.

i think i should have...if u want contact me loh...can pass it to u...

in my opinion, dun add any additives...don't try to fix it until it is spoilt....learnt it from a reefer and also learnt it the hard way...

too much of these chemicals are not good...and we then to overdose...

wat i dose now is only kalk..and of cos i also use phosguard, heard it is not good, but it is good for my pocket...another essential item would be carbon...other than that, dun waste money...frequent water change will solve any chemical imbalance...

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  • SRC Member
Hi all, hope you guys can give me some advises in how to obtain the following factors in reef keeping.

1. PH Level - How do i mantain a steady PH level? Whats the optimal level for ph?

2. KH Level - How do i mantain a steady KH level? Whats the optimal level for KH?

3. PO4 Level - How do i keep phosphate level down? Whats the optimal level for PO4?

4. Is hardness of water the same as KH level?

Is there anymore important factors that i have missed out involving water chemistry for reefing? If there is, can someone please kindly advise? Thanks a million.

1. PH Level :

step 1 : Bring up your dKH to 10 or 11. This should stabalise your pH....

setp 2 : test dKH daily, as long as it does not drop to 6 to 7, don't need to check your pH, it should remain comfortably at 8.3. If dKH falls to 6 or 7, test pH again...

step 3 : if pH falls under 8.1 then repeat step 1

2. dKH Level : see 1. above

3. PO4 : see earlier post

4. Yes & No. Yes, hardness of water is often referred to as water with plenty dissolve minerals. No, it is not the same dKH, which measures dissolve carbonate (hopefully) only. It is a buffer or cushion... like a thick cushion then prevents pH from swinging wildly. Kept above 10, and you can almost be sure your pH will stay above 8.2.

Have you done a simple experiment on the pH and dKH of your tap water? Go ahead and waste some test chemicals, it will help you understand better.

a) take one jug of tap water, test your dKH and pH. Write down the figures.

B) next using the same water, put a straw in and blow some bubbles for 20 secs. test your dKH and pH again. Write down the figures.

c) now add 1 teaspoon of that seachem buffer you just bought into the mug of water and stir until dissolve. Now test you dKH and pH again. Write down the figures.

d) put the straw in again and blow bubbles in the water for 20 seconds. test and write down the figures

repeat the d) two more times, test and write the figures you get.

Just think for a minute.... ok take 10 if you need more time. Do you see what I see.... if not I give up... : )



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