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wat camera r u guys using for nice macro shots


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You think I print $$$? Need to budget properly.

Even w/o macro mode I already very happy with my photos :P

For the lens can try to look for 2nd hands one. No hurry can take my own sweet time!

My skimmer is not really that $$$$ after considering that it came with 2 MD55 for $1.7K which means is actually $1.3K+

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wah liew alan..

i where got print money...if i print money,

maybe some lfs will know and tell you :P

but no, i dun print money,

and most lfs do not know who i am...

just buy what i want and leave,

i dun chit chat too much with them :P

till now i do not have a concrete figure how much i have spent...

so i have no absolute figure to go around telling people how much..

sure make me heartpain if i start to count the dollars and cents ;)

back to the camera,

if i really print money, i will buy the D70 with all the full range of lenses and bring them around in a aluminium/steel hard case like a professional sniper... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

no la.. if me print money.. u ppls where got chance to even buy gary sps sales.... lolz....

roidan dont need to count la.. by the look your whole tank plus that clam tank cost u more then 10k lor...

just by counting how many clams u have already know how ex it is and let say one clam cost u 60 to 100...

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means No action-Talk only?

hahaha... ok i get :lol:

anyway, if you notice,

alot of real money-printers and reefmasters dun talk so much in here one....

those making a lot of noise, posting alot but yet not much pictures are just empty vessels...just like me...*guilty*...i am a big fat vessel :lol:

tat's why i talk so much in this thead,

only got a non DSLR....

those with DSLR more quiet....even weileong din say he got D70 until i arrow him out :lol:

anyway alan,

my clams have been cashed in bulk for me to buy my f828 and finance my megaskimmer project....see? i really dun print money :P

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You take a kettle filled with water and knock and hear the sound.

Then you take a kettle that is empty and knock and hear the sound :P

Which one makes more noise har?

Hey Roidan, your camera tot non-DSLR but already top of the line hor, so tekong..... the lines on the blackcap fish scale also can see one :bow:

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lolz... yup sometime back i did saw someone claim he have spend over 30k who huh... hehehehe

and i know there r some who use the full auto system one.. also rich sia...

and let see who is the 1st buyer of the bubble king.. another rich man..

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that's why i say the real money-printers all lie low profile one...

according to rumours, someone bought a FEW small bubbleking skimmers because a large one cannot fit into his sump....

so end up buying a FEW small bubblekings...

how much in total....can just imagine :blink:

these are the real bigshots....

people like me are just farting around in here :lol:

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lolz.. if me getting the bubble king.. then I will be mad or dam rich...

it's a gd skimmer but looking at the price I can go buy another gd chiller...

or when another ship of sps come in I can buy the whole lot with that kind of money...

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I heard someone bought 3 dragon too don't tell me that's the same person that bought the bubble king? Oh dear... heng that guy is low profile else if if he announce how much he spend maybe more than $100K..... then suddenly you'll hear got rumours that another person spend $200K on the tank liao :P

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taken some pics on my tank thread using canon G2, the macro doesnt seems fantastic leh.. maybe i dunno how to use, jus aim n FIRE... :lol: , if u look at my thread, some pics are blur :( really gotta read up more on camera tricks ;)

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anyone using cannon rebel here ??

Wat macro lenses ;) r u guys using for it ??


Yeap, I'm using Tamron SP 90mm f2.8 for my 300d.

Pretty alright... except that... well, the fishes are too fast for me!

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Good enough for amateurs like me ;p

Usually push ISO all the way up to 400 or even 800 and use F5.6 at least.. (F2.8 is too shallow) :(((

slow autofocus... as usual, but it's okie for macros, imho,

sharpness and colors.. well, good for me can leow ;P

most impt is it's CHEAP!! :$

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