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Food for flame angel

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Btw, your flame Angel started to eat already?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
My flame angel already in fish heaven it starved. i really tried. It just wont eat. I tried mixing pellets with reef nutrition oyster egg. initially i think it was slightly enticed with probably the smell of the eggs and It made effort to eat, but then itll spit it out.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Young juveniles are easier to entice to eat. U can try frozen brine shrimps, frozen daphnia and small bunches of nori (not  the roasted type). Do make an effort to attach the seaweed to the rocks.
I tried nori left it in the tank for quite sometime.. though i didnt tie seaweed on rocks... I thought most fishes would have eaten mysis straightaway as compared to pellet, but mine didnt even care abt the mysis, so i felt frozen shrimps or daphnia wouldnt work either. I regretted for not trying copepods though..

I still have hopes to own a flame angel again but for now, ill just enjoy looking at my other fishes first. thank you all for replying!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Other than the multibar angel, the venustus angel, the potter's and the golden angel All the dwarf angels available usually present no  problem. I only matched the temperature and keep in the small  quarantine for a  week. Within that period, the fish should be eating brine shrimps or mysis besides the frozen daphnia. The seaweed isn't a  must.

Failure to eat is a  sign  of an unhealthy acquisition. Btw, a local copperband butterfly fish which I got from a guy who  caught it in his cast net at the east coast, survived beautifully until it accidentally went into  the overflow section. Food for thought?


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flame angel is generally easy to keep and get it to feed, however like some member shared if it is not feeding after a few most likely it is due to some diseases / fish health issue. 

so it is important to know how to select a healthy fish to start with. 

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I bought this fish from, i would say a reputable store. I think among the lfs in sg, i chose this store when it comes to buying slightly expensive fishes coz of their capability of being able to pellet trained most of their fishes. Ive bought a purple and yellow tang from them before i had this angel, and they are healthy and pellet trained. I did specifically asked for pellet trained flame angel, but the only mistake when i bought this fish was not to double check and ask the store owner to feed infront of me.

Physically the fish really look healthy. Ive seen it pecking algaes off the glass and rocks, explored the tank and didnt swim against the current. but i noticed that it hovered only at a small area of the tank. Thought he was marking his territory. He seemed like a chill dude minding his own business, really. As this is my first time owning an angel, i thought the low activity is normal because thats how angels generally are, poised? as compared to tangs which swim like crazy. But perhaps i got this wrong too.

Hmmm i dont medicate the fishes i bought coz imo, once a fish started feeding, it can fend off illnesses with its own immunity? But this is just based on my observation, i know i shudnt gamble so i still have a lot to learn

Ive had my fair share of ill fishes, you name it, ich, velvet, worms.. and they almost wiped out my entire livestock because of the parasites they brought in, so im quite careful when it comes to selecting fish. I was confident that the angel is healthy, just that I failed to feed it.

But thank you for sharing! I guess ill be extra careful the next time im getting a fish

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Normally fish don't eat is due to stress or illness.

In the future, try to hatch live brine shrimp or buy live mysis from Oceania reef to entice the feeding.

Live food trick haven't failed so far unless the fish is sick.

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Yeah sometimes might be due to stress. Try to keep it in isolation box and see if it eat before releasing. Releasing them too early will be hard to catch if they don't eat or chase by other fish. 


Somehow my gsp is always the go to food for new fishes in my tank. They tend to eat it first before going to pellet and mysis. At least 4 angel does that.. alternatively can try lala with half shelf, recommended by many reefer

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