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Is the grass really greener on the other side?


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  • SRC Member

Oh yes, no place like home, UK sucks.

Hell boring and so costly. Feel so miserable when I'm there, because its hard to keep up a conversation with the locals, they're pretty much lost in their own culture and heritage to bother about everything else. Or possibly I'm just boring lahz.

My friends in Aussie and US have it much better, at least a whopper meal doesnt cost $18..

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  • SRC Member

First of all, isn't this in the wrong section? Should be in the Kopi Tiam section right?

Secondly, where else can you find a place that can keep reef tank at such affordable price? I worked in Australia before, never been to NZ, but should be the same. The whole city becomes a died town after 6pm. All the shops are closed. Thursday night is the shopping night where shops are opened until 8pm. Sunday all the shopping mall are closed. You want to stay in a place like that? On the other hand, going there for vacation may be a different story.

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  • SRC Member

I travelled a few countries ( mean work b4 lar ) in past 15 years and settled down in Singapore and become singaporean.


Singapore has

low crime rate

low in bad thing ( no cig, beer ..... )

many races ( well not like AU or US, where u r totally yellow man ), here all are same...

clean ( compare to others in Asia )

and it's in Asia.....

Well in Internet World, every1 will be moving around. There won't be any more so called "home country", all become "HOME".

Well, otherside grass is grenn as well your home. Some people prefer big house , car , weather

For me , prefer safe. where singapore is ( up to some standard )

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

Major pull factor the places i short-listed is low cost housing compared to singapore. A big house which I can have a large garden with a pond... and a large 1000G reef tank with the sump room in the basement!! wow! :) and can drive my dream car there too!

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  • SRC Member
Major pull factor the places i short-listed is low cost housing compared to singapore. A big house  which I can have a large garden with a pond... and a large 1000G reef tank with the sump room in the basement!! wow! :) and can drive my dream car there too!

Well, who known, u might able to afford here too.

Just matter of luck, chance and hardworking B)

Or 1st prize toto 5million ( May enough to buy a house and a car that's )

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

If talking about just australia, i find that it is more peaceful if talking about retirement.

The working pace there is slow. Which is good for us, but at the same time bad too. Reason cause if the whole system is slow, the service we expect from them are also much slower too.

U do not need to work like siao over here in singapore just to earn that bit as the worker union there is strong unlike singapore. But the downside is that the tax is damn high. For any work that require a degree holder, you will definately hit the 40% tax. But the good high is, if you are out of job, the government feed you. Unlike singapore, no money no talk, no cpf no food.

If ur work stop at 5pm, then 5pm you must go, else spoil market. and the people there will complain you. Talking about shopping, of course cannot compare to busy city like singapore hongkong, taiwan and japan. Their things are generally more expensive unless local product. You dont get to find cheap equipment for marine etc. Altough generally australia is a dead town after 5, it is only applicable to queensland, syney area and other more wulu area.

Places like melbourne, shops are opening till 8 plus everyday. some even till late too.

So in summary, why people go and come back is because over there they hope to find better life. But only to realise there are also downside interrelated to the better aspect they were looking out initially.

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hmmm..... i hv had that option of staying on in australia when i was in uni there......... but in the end, i decided against it......... well, it all depends on urself......... me, family first........ ;)

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

Austin's Birthday


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  • SRC Member

Is there anyone who wanna migrate to a third world country instead? :rolleyes::P

This has always been one of my dreams. :P

Wanna build my home from scratch, maybe have a long house that has many rooms and children, not necessary mine though...since I'm not a pig... :lol:

Plant my own vegetables, rear my own animals and maybe near the shore with the possibility of building a kelong. And walk or have horse rides when I wanna travel far. :rolleyes:

The old lady's character in Home on The Range would suit me well... :P

Self-reliance... :rolleyes:

But alas...still haven't got the opportunity to fulfil this dream. :(

And wonder if the society has already maketh the man. :(

CARPE DIEM... :angel:

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  • SRC Member

Thailand might be a good place ----- is thailand considered Third world country ?

Used to work 3 months there .... Life is different :D

Good thing in Thailand

1) Food

2) night life is good - not talking about red light :lol:

3) ppl respect you esp you are a singaporean

4) job opportunity is good

5) weather is good - no four seasons to meddle with clothing choices

6) House cheap

7) car cheap

8) Last but not least as for reefing -- just head towards your nearest reef and take one frag :lol:

Of course children education, language, are the main barrier ...otherwise you are lost in the road sign ......

But ... but .... low salary .... :(


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  • SRC Member

stayed with a tribe for a few days...really enjoyed it. :)

But I am thinking more of Laos or Vietnam but must get past those stupid politicians. :angry:

Or maybe get an island in Greece and start everything afresh? :rolleyes:

Oh no... :o someone wakes me up, please... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

And medical is affortable also .... many singaporean going over to thailand and philippines to do lasik ... freaking cheap I think half the price and the doctors there are not itchi kurak doc -- they are experienced doctor who have serviced a much larger audiences than our local doctors.

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  • SRC Member
Is there anyone who wanna migrate to a third world country instead? :rolleyes::P

This has always been one of my dreams. :P

Wanna build my home from scratch, maybe have a long house that has many rooms and children, not necessary mine though...since I'm not a pig... :lol:

Plant my own vegetables, rear my own animals and maybe near the shore with the possibility of building a kelong. And walk or have horse rides when I wanna travel far. :rolleyes:

The old lady's character in Home on The Range would suit me well... :P

Self-reliance... :rolleyes:

But alas...still haven't got the opportunity to fulfil this dream. :(

And wonder if the society has already maketh the man. :(

CARPE DIEM... :angel:

Cool. Remember to buy off the local warlord and arm your family with lotsa guns to prevent marauding factions from raping your daughter and carting off your son as a slave or trained as a fighter.

Get a sturdy landrover too as it will probably be a day and a half drive to the nearest building called a hospital through rough track.


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  • SRC Member

Cool. Remember to buy off the local warlord and arm your family with lotsa guns to prevent marauding factions from raping your daughter and carting off your son as a slave or trained as a fighter.

Get a sturdy landrover too as it will probably be a day and a half drive to the nearest building called a hospital through rough track.

If it really materialise...it will definitely be through faith and grace and it wouldn't happen when you expect it to happen. Believe the unexpected...I will follow ***... :peace:

Thus...que sara...sara... :lol:

Just trying here...in codes...finding some lost pals...does anybody know Ah Hock who led us through mountains into some place? If you know...pm me...otherwise...take it that I'm waxing nonsensical... :P:paiseh:

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