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Battling ICH


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  • SRC Member

Hi all,


Need advice for those who have successfully treated fish with ich.


The fish is a Powder Brown Tang and have been with me close to 3 months. Can see early stages of ich on the side of the body. Other fishes have not exhibited any signs. I read that once a fish has ich, it would not go away from the DT. I intend to treat things one at a time.


If I can remove the fish and treat in a separate tank, what medications are recommended? Also what should I use/put in the QT tank? Would a hob filter (what media to use) and air bubbles be sufficient?




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Powder B's have thin slim coats so are very susceptible to ICH. So you may want to consider carefully if you want to go through this again and again.

As for what to do... I would read humblefish's post here, as he really knows his stuff.


I think what you plan on doing is good for the Powder Brown. Remove to a QT tank. Treatment is with Chloroquine Phosphate Or Copper. You could also engage in some sudo two tank transfer method as you go along. Simply take fish put of tank every 72 hours, clean the QT throughly, dry it, then reintroduce (if you dont have a spare tank).

As for what to have with a QT, yes an air stone works great. As treatments reduce the amount of oxygen. So make sure there is something to create some flow ... a hang on filter like the fluval are simply awesome for QT's as they create some aggitation. But you don't need to run any media.. infact its advised not to. The biggest issue I find in QT is maintaining temperature so you may need to find a solution for that. Also add in a large PVC pipe fitting or plant pot so fish can hide.

As for the main display... you could take all the fish out and go fallow, or engage some ich management.

You may also want to think about how this happened. Was there a parameter swing? Temp issue? Just have a check of your gear to make sure all is working.

Good luck.

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Thanks Rob. Very helpful and a lot to read up. I will take it slow by first trying to remove the fish from the tank.

Thanks again

Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk

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