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Tank decom fish sale

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Next up are fishes! They are fed a variety of food from TDO pellets to seaweed to hikari frozen mysis, ocassionally will soak food in Vitachem and selcon too.

All fishes are with me for about 1 yr, properly quarantined prior to adding BUT i do not guarantee they are 100% clear of parasties.

1) Purple tang (have slight HLLE due to activated carbon, recovering well from eating seaweed soaked in selcon & Vitachem) 3"~ $140

2) Blackice snowflake clownfish pair 1.5 - 2~ $150

3) Flameback angelfish 2"~ does not nip/eat at LPS/zoas at all, occasionally will nip at SPS but no damange done $60

4) Flame hawk 2"~ $60

5) Blue throat wrasse 3" $30 

I also have Astrea snails and spiny astrea snails, they are great for making sure rocks are algae-free, should have around 20 snails. any 4 for $10.

Whatsapp me at 910Six393Four, i will need some time to catch them out, so reservation with deposit is required. 

Thanks for viewing, pictures are posted in the next post, whatsapp me for video.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • SRC Member

Update on what's left

1) Purple tang (have slight HLLE due to activated carbon, recovering well from eating seaweed soaked in selcon & Vitachem) 3"~ $140

2) Blackice snowflake clownfish pair 1.5 - 2~ $150

3) Flameback angelfish 2"~ does not nip/eat at LPS/zoas at all, occasionally will nip at SPS but no damange done $60

4) Flame hawk 2"~ $60

5) Blue throat wrasse 3" $30 

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EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • SRC Member

Update on what's left

1) Purple tang (have slight HLLE due to activated carbon, recovering well from eating seaweed soaked in selcon & Vitachem) 3"~ $140

3) Flameback angelfish 2"~ does not nip/eat at LPS/zoas at all, occasionally will nip at SPS but no damange done $60

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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