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Tank Cycling

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Today is day 2 of cycling my new tank.

The parameter are as follows:

KH: 9dkh

PH: 8.5

NO2: <0.9 l/mg

Temp: 31deg C

My Tank is a around 21gal

I'm using seawater purchase from lfs

How do i increase the kh, lower the ph, and lower the NO2

If NO2 = 0, does it mean NH3 should be 0?


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  • SRC Member

day 2....hmmm...long way to go bro :evil: actually not really lar :lol:

How do i increase the kh,

may i suggest leave tis as it is now

lower the ph

may i also suggest leave tis as it is now

lower the NO2

let nature takes it course :unsure:

If NO2 = 0, does it mean NH3 should be 0?

NH3 is ammonia rite...ammonia will spike 1st, followed by NO2... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

if i remember correctly...

before 2 weeks

ammonia starts to increase

after 2 weeks

ammonia starts to reduce, nitrite starts to increase

after 4 weeks

nitrite starts to reduce, nitrate starts to increase

just a gauge, some pple speed up their cycling....

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  • SRC Member

from my experience in cycling tank (probably one of the longest cycling)

Cycle your LR at the same time or put all the LR you want to get in now. Cos' if you put them in later, your tank will go thru another "recycling". Thats what happened to me.

So since CNY till now, my tank still rock only tank, except for a star polyp and 2 snails and a CS.

any other comments ? I'm thinking of putting in more LR.

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  • SRC Member
No NO2 cos the cycle just started... Ammonia might be high now.. Go do a check... Drop a prawn to help cycling I guess.. I took more than a month before everything settled down in the first place...

Not quite-

In a small tank a prawn would foul up the water quite a lot-

If it is wanted then a shred should be enough.

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  • SRC Member

ya i suggest put in the rocks first so no need to put prawn inside because the "die off" and those organism like worms from the rocks will produce some ammonia to help kick the cycling process.


back to studies and reefing again..

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Just added 4kg of LR into my tank today.

Parameter was as follows b4 adding:

ph 8.5

no2 <0.9/mg

nh3 0.08 mg/l

temp 31deg C (will be getting a fan soon)

Will do the test again tonight. Any thing to take note of at this point of time??


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