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5ft vs 6ft long – is it a major difference?

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Hi fellow reefers,

I've got quite an experience with freshwater planted tanks, including larger system with a sump like setup, a very high PAR tanks with no algae issues (with precise nutrient & water chemistry control), complex filtration etc., and now I feel kinda ready for a saltwater setup.

This is supposed to be a mixed reef where I plan to start with some easiest species and gradually evolve it as I learn more to more delicate fishes & LPS & SPS over a few years time.

The question for this topic is whether I should got with a 5x2x2 ft tank which is much more convenient space wise, or shall I squeeze in 6x2x2 ft if it will offer much more flexibility in the future. I'm reading contradictory advices, some folks say 5 ft vs 6 ft is a huge difference, some say it's more or less the same. 5 ft fits perfectly in my room, 6 ft is a tight fit, but I'd go for it is it is a real difference. I'm just planning as of now, nothing is bought yet, so other dimension suggestions are also welcome.



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