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Aquastar at Yishun

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  • SRC Member

Went to aquastar on friday. goodness, they changed all their tanks, new set-up. i think the water was not ready, for many fishes were dying. tsk tsk, they didn't even notice the dying fishes till a customer had to inform them that something's not right.

hmm.. :o

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  • SRC Member

Good grief, perhaps another of those fly by night people?

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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  • SRC Member

Agree, stop the buying .... if ppl don't know what they're selling. :angry:

Remember, you are the consumer. :P

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  • SRC Member

we stop.. but those newbies juz go there and buy.. juz now i went to buy brineshrimp.. so many parents with KIDs.. OMG!! and one parents approach the guy, askin can mix or not, the person say can.. omg.. trigger mix with normal clown.. :blink: stop the killings.. anywhere we can report it?

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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most of the time its the little kids going 'mummy, see! nemo!'. then the parents get interested, ask how much, say its cheap and buy them without basic knowledge on marine life. poor fishes.

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  • SRC Member
Went to aquastar on friday. goodness, they changed all their tanks, new set-up. i think the water was not ready, for many fishes were dying. tsk tsk, they didn't even notice the dying fishes till a customer had to inform them that something's not right.

hmm..  :o

I guess that would be me. :P

Despite the fact that the 2 young chaps whom didn't take care of the LS when they unpack. And 3 overcrowded main tank. I still frequent them every Friday night.


Cheap (Not all LS are cheap)

Near my house

Seek some advice

If I must say the LS that I bought from there are pretty healthy specimen.


1 thing I must say about Singaporean as a whole, even though I am a Singaporean. Or was it just human natural??? :unsure::unsure:


Children whom misbehave in the public, whom should be blame?

1. The kiddo?

2. The parent for not giving proper guidance to the kid?

3. The educational system in Singapore?

Most pple would conveniently point the finger @ the educational system. So what that tells you? We are always not the guilty party, it always someone or something else.

Rearing fish or should I say having pets is a commitment that you will have to bear. If you want to buy a certain Ls, jolly well read about it before you buy and not blame the LFS that your fish die on you because of the way they handle the fish.

As for the wrong advice, open your eyes before you ask a question. You don't go up to a blind man as ask him to direct you to the BLUE building near Orchard MRT. Put it in simple words, asks the right person the right question. I never go up to the 2 kiddo whom unpacks the fish for advice from the very first day that I went to that place.




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to be frank, some of the fishes there are in good condition....some only, those that are new....hahhahhaa

i did try to persuade reefers refrain from buying fishes from there, but their looks tell me that they think i am a salesman...so i decided to let them learn it the hard way...once, i told a newbie about this wonderful forum...he waved his hand and shoo me off, i was damn pissed!!! I AM NOT A SALESMAN!!! JUST TRYING TO HELP!!! the as$h@le is a rich bugger who drives a BMW, so wat?? rich but no brain!!!

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  • SRC Member

I read up and research on proper husbandry and care thcniques on the LS before I buy them. but the ppl at Aquastar obviously don't. Cramming Huge majestic angles, tens of Blue tangs, tons of butterflies and anthias in a 4 feet tank is not proper care of fishes they sell.. The fishes that don't get bought on the first day of arrival will suffer in those tanks. MAny of their fishes are either lying on their sides or listless and stays in a corner. The way the ppl at aquastar handle the fish is ridiculous lah.. I saw a 9" majestic angel in a 1 feet tank. and as mentioned before the equipments that they are using the sustain water Quality is, sigh~....

Live and Let Live

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agreed with neokn.

No doubt, its our responsibility to take care of the fishes in our tank and its nice and warming to see people spreading the knowledge on how to take good care of marine life in their tank.


lets not try to behave pro-marine life saver or what...

in the first place, if so 'pro', dan shdnt even have set up a marine tank as

these fishes belongs to the ocean...keeping in a tank no matter how well u take care of it wont be as good as it living in the vast ocean.

so cut the lobbying of boycotting the shops unless someone dare say he belongs to some world marine organisation dealing with saving marine life.

Else, we are just common marine fish hobbist....

Each and everyone of us I believe is sensible enough to decide for ourself if this place is worth buying from based on our own reasoning...

Instead of lobbying for boycott, i rather someone can actually stands out to volunteer himself as a representative to inform the boss how many reefers are concern on the way they are handling their fishes and would urge them to be more responsible.

If it works, the shop survive, reefers enjoy buying from them at cheap price.

its a win-win situation.

But if we boycott them, the shops might close down, reefers are left with 1 less choice...

to some it may be a lose-win situation. to some it may be a lose-lose situation. In short, it is will never be a win-win situation if all decides to boycott the place without first informing the boss what is gravely wrong...

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  • SRC Member
I read up and research on proper husbandry and care thcniques on the LS before I buy them. but the ppl at Aquastar obviously don't. Cramming Huge majestic angles, tens of Blue tangs, tons of butterflies and anthias in a 4 feet tank is not proper care of fishes they sell.. The fishes that don't get bought on the first day of arrival will suffer in those tanks. MAny of their fishes are either lying on their sides or listless and stays in a corner. The way the ppl at aquastar handle the fish is ridiculous lah.. I saw a 9" majestic angel in a 1 feet tank. and as mentioned before the equipments that they are using the sustain water Quality is, sigh~....

True. Neither do I like to see overcrowded tanks. I do hope that once they have fully cycle their new tanks, they can separate the LS more efficiently.

9" Majestic :o:o:o That's big, when did you see it? I didn't manage to catch a glimpse of it though.

As for the young short kiddo, he is the worse at handling fish.




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I can't agree with you more.

I guess that's the reason I call to their attention about the dieing LS in the tank that day. So who wants to be voluteer to tell off that kiddo about the way he handle fish? I tried before didn't work.




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They had few huge majestic angels not long ago.. in the 1 feet tanks beside the three 4 feet tanks in the centre.. Think they need some serious educating.. they too resistant to change already. Talked to some of them before but they seem to think that they are very good in keeping marine LS already... so Sigh~

Live and Let Live

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i've been there once and was disappointed with their knowledge & service <_< One custome asked them the price of one fish ( a Blue Velvet Damsel) & a young guy there told him is a flame angel-($40.00) for that.. :cry: I wanted to buy some live rock but a lady there (shld be the female boss) said all live rock not for sale...disappointed & went off from there...never want to go bk to that shop again. :(

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  • SRC Member

as it goes.. no authority is stopping them, why the heck they bother man.. to them.. it's a profit making business, and not a hobby.

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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I bought some cleaner shrimps from there some time last week on two different occasions. The first time I bought it, it was ok and the shrimp is still with me now. But it was heart-wrenching to note that the other pair that i got during my 2nd purchase died within a day or so. :(

But yeah, I saw a lot of dead fishes in the big tank (centre lane). Some were almost rotting. :erm:

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