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Blueheaven's 4ft Tank


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Just came back from Iwarna

Got myself a pink pocci :wub:

And guess what, it actually spawned on the trip back!!!

When I got home, the bag was cloudy and chock full of gametes :D

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

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Home Grown of cos from spawning lah. Then from what? Buy a colony and let it grow means home grown? Then like that every1 also have home grown sps liao. :D

No lah... drop the SPS from the 2nd floor den pick up the pieces and throw all over your tank... den you get HOME-GROWN SPS.... :P

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

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  • SRC Member
induce some stress factor and you'll see them spawn.

I already witness that in my tank for the pass 3 times when I rescape. Luckily not every acros spawn else proabably everything gonna be really stressed.

Spawning will not 100% gurantee that you will have 2nd generation seeded in your tank. Those will be fly off and end up in your skimmer.

So, it is very difficult to see spawning, let alone it spawn and stay put then grow into a colony without dying? Only expert can do that.

I will be extremely impressed to see a 2nd generation sps sitting next to the mother colony as a result from spawning. :rolleyes:

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induce some stress factor and you'll see them spawn.

I already witness that in my tank for the pass 3 times when I rescape. Luckily not every acros spawn else proabably everything gonna be really stressed.

Den no home-grown SPS ah bro?! :lol:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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har? wanna keep coconut acro one is reefaholic not me lar.... don't mix up hor.

that is why i said spawn already of cos fly lah. Where can you see home grown and sitting right at the place of the rock that you want? And sit and adjusted with proper spacing and for you to take a photo so nice? Then also cannot find the mother colony.

Wow.. Out of no where. Can see a seeded home gown sps colony there.

I will be totally impressed lah. B)

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