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Blueheaven's 4ft Tank


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Yeah polyp extension looks ok today

Wish me luck :P

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Yeah I know hyacinthus is one of the more difficult specimens

Had told Keith about this too as a cautionary note

So with regards to your list, here's my checks

1) Multi-directional pulsing flow especially to the core of the table

I have, especially when the currents are curving down at it

2) Strong lights

2x250w, the hyacinthus is around less than a foot from the surface

3) Stable parameters in the correct ranges (Alk 7-8, CA ~ 420, Mg ~1250, Low temp)

Alk 8, Ca 480, Mg 1350, Temp 26-28

4) Pristine waters with very low PO4 levels (0.01-0.03) and NO3=0

PO4 undetectable, NO3 undetectable

5) Regular AA supplements

5 drops per day of Salifert AA

6) Regular water changes to replenish depleted trace elements and dilution of toxicity

Weekly water changes with Coralife salt using DI water

I hope you suceed. But i doubt so. You may keep them alive. But keeping those pastle colours will be difficult. I wish you all the best.

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Talking about me?

I only know how to auto balance, unsharp mask and brightness/contrast

Not that good in editing colours or else I make it purple and make you guys envious :lol:

Anyway, have been dosing the Salifert AA for 4 days already but I have not seen much effect. I have also caught the habit of stirring up my refugium a little at night when the lights are off to feed the corals :lol:

And still waiting for the Phoenix to arrive. At the mean time, going to head down to Iwarna this week to get some carbon.

Finally, I have put my ozone on a timer which runs it for 15min every hour for 8 hours. That makes a total of 2hrs of ozone dosage every day B)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Baby acans sprouting at the side :lol:


But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Pink zoos in full bloom :P

Hope they colour up soon :evil:


But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Just thought you guys might be interested to see how my tank looks like from the side :D


But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Yeah its cool right?

Coralline grows like crazy in my tank :lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Here's from PR last shipment

Fluorescent green acro :lol:


But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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I'm guessing why coralline grows on the sand is that I have my blue T5s directly above it :lol:

I think boosting magnesium and strontium might work but do not overdose B)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Thanks WL

I got a small 1 inch frag, you want? :lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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