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Iwaki external pump


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On request by Phang.

As the marine aquarium increase in size and technology there has been a increasing requirement for larger pumps. Close-loop circulations, sump returns, protein skimmers and other applications have out-grown and exhausted the capabilities of dedicated aquarium pumps. To fill this void, reefers have resorted to external chemical pumps. This is where, Iwaki comes in.

The Iwaki external pumps, being specifically designed for chemical applications are suitable for the corrosive environment of the saltwater tank. The pumps that are most relevant to the reefer is the MD series. They are commonly found in photo-developing machines and as bilge pumps of small vessels. It is now widely used in the US for larger aquariums.

I have been using an Iwaki MD40R for two years without any problems at all. It is used to drive my ETS Skimmer and is switched on 24 hours a day. The only times it ever stops is when I clean my skimmer for a few minutes a week. The pump is fan cooled and warm(about 38C) to the touch. The MD 40R is rated for 12.5 GPM(750 GPH) at 4 feet and is pressure rated. Noise takes getting used to because of the amount of water rushing through the pipes and the fan, mounting in an enclosed compartment will reduce the sound. There is minimal vibration. No servicing required.

On inital observation, the pump is heavy and well built. Seams are tight and stainless steel bolts are used. The unit is made in Japan. My unit has resisted external corrosion very well. After 2 years of slight leakage from my hose, the pump body only has a 10cent size area of rust. The corrosion is contained and the paint surrounding it has not bubbled.

The pump requires minor wiring to use. The pump came unconnected so a connector, short length of suitable wiring and 3 pin plug needed to be attached.

Originally, the pump was placed on a siphon from my sump using flexible hose. This proved to be a failure in design on my part. So, after two years of service, my first Hose-barb MD40R is now replaced by one with Threaded fittings for PVC pipes after some sump modifications. Having a drilled sump to use an external pump is vital.

On the whole, I am happy with the MD40R and will most definitely recommend it and will personally continue to use Iwaki pumps in the future.

Both the pumps were bought around S$650+ each.

They are available from:

Iwaki Singapore Pte Ltd

63 Hillview Ave #08-04 Lam Soon Ind Bldg Singapore 669569

Tel : 6763 2744

Fax: 6763 2372


Morgan can contribute more with regards to the larger Iwaki.


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Forgot to include a picture. This is my Hose-barb fitting MD40R. It will be used on my closed-loop circulation.



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I have post a short comment on the other thread.

I currently using 2 Iwaki pumps.

The MD55R is rate at 60 l/min is use to run my Precision Marine Skimmer. The pump is running 24/7. I got this pump 2nd hand so I not know how long the previous owner had it. The pump has been with me for more than 1 year.

Recently I purchased a MD100R for circulation. This pump replaces 3 ehiem 1060. It has a dark green colour compared to the MD55.

The pump is rated at 120 l/min. You have to connect the power cord to the pump. (Not provided)

These 2 pumps are fan cooled. The pumps comes in hose connected type or thread type front casing. The thread type can be connected directly to pvc threaded fitting.

No metal parts are in contact with the seawater, the magnetic impeller is totally enclosed in polypropylene.

These pump cannot be run dry and not self priming.


Surprisingly the cause of noise is not from the fan that cools the pump but from the vibration. These pumps needed to be mounted to prevent this.

Mine is not mounted yet.

Really impressed with the performance of these pumps so far.

Reliabilty so far no problem


MD55R paid 2nd price no idea of sale price

MD100R $1000+

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