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weileong's 4ft tank - Part II


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My AT also not much interest in food in the beginning and I just flood the tank with bite sized NORI. Multiple feedings per day and stable parameters and strong current should keep your AT alive. From the fourth month onwards I managed to switch it over to pellets and only daily feedings when I am in town, other wise no feeding.

Now it rush for pellets like the rest of the fishes.

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My AT of 1 yr old. Got it on 30th April 2004.

happy birthday to u~~~ happy birthday to u~~~ happy birthday to wat ever u named it~~~~ happy birthday to u~~~~ :D:D

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Suddenly saw all the fishes go crazy especially the anthias and seems to be eating, then I check out the tank and saw one acro crab spawning.

Wowww, that's awesome Wei Leong!

It must have been quite a sight, I've seen both my acro crabs and sally lightfoots spawn and the fish go into a frenzy!

2 - 3 months later, I see these tiny acro crabs in a few of the sps colonies. :yeah: A few must have survived. :)

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are these crab good ??

i have 2 white colour shell

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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There's two crab in that colony. I saw them moving to the colony next to their home at times.

Those are bigger than the normal acro crab that we see in those SPS.

Thanks for the info, i think they've paired themselves up

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Got this from PR yesterday, hopefully can hold the color.

Wei Leong, nice piece. I got something similar and am hoping the same thing, that it will hold colour. Think it requires strong light to maintain the white-purple tips. How high up did you place yours?

Saturday's PR shipment :bow:

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Daniel, I put it up for ID in zeovit forum and one guy said it's a tricolor A. Valida.

I placed mine at the highest point in my tank ard mid-level that's abt 1ft down, almost directly under the MH lights, so let's keep our fingers crossed.

The shipment is really good, heard AT took 1 big box after we left.

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They probably identified is as a valida coz they did not see the full piece, ID based just on the tip colors in the pic you posted.

It's a table, so could be a soli. :)

Mine sits smack in between all my T5s, 8 inches from the surface.

I heard about the large purchase too. If he got there sooner, he may have walked out with 2 boxes.

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Why is AT always buying in boxes? I suspect he is stocking up a new fish shop in Toa Payoh!!!

Think this is not allowed here and he deserves a yellow card! :)

BTW this piece quite nice. I've been out of buying for too long. Tempted to make more space in my tank!

I think (marine) therefore I am

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