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weileong's 4ft tank - Part II


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Full tank shot, still CMI. Need more of those killer colored acros.

:bow::bow: Power lah bro. Long time never show full tank shot. Looks excellent. :bow:

Your LPS on sandbed expand so much :shock::shock: I see you have problem cleaning your front glass because of this. :lol::lol:

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Six liner.

wah lao, I really like the pinkish colour of your six line? :shock::look:

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Scarab, after Dan's advise I took out all my turbo snail (left 1 working OT in my overflow box) so no more cleaning crew working at those inaccessable parts, those dots are coraline algae which are PITA to remove. The urchin can't access it as they are blocked by the LPS too. But good thing is that all my dwarf stay there whole day long pecking on the glass.

John, Cool... see that it is very fat too, must be having good life over in your reef :P Glad you were able to come in time to adopt it lol, can't image 4-5 fishes in my quarantine tub lol. I removed those anthias that I can managed to catch as they are just too high bioload :P

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  • SRC Member
Scarab, after Dan's advise I took out all my turbo snail (left 1 working OT in my overflow box) so no more cleaning crew working at those inaccessable parts, those dots are coraline algae which are PITA to remove. The urchin can't access it as they are blocked by the LPS too. But good thing is that all my dwarf stay there whole day long pecking on the glass.

I totally agree with the turbo snail. Nasty creatures.

I guess you got no choice but to upgrade to a bigger tank!!! :lol: A 6 by 3 by 2.5 maybe. Then will give you more sandbed space and you won't have to worry about you LPS expanding. ;)

Agree with the angels. Thumbs up for them. :whistle

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becos of bioload ? turbo poo ? :P

Because the turbo were competiting for food with the tangs.

The turbo poo can be handled by the skimmer which is not an issue for me.

Without the turbo, the tangs got more algae to graze on so I get to feed lesser so improvement to the water quality.

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Because the turbo were competiting for food with the tangs.

The turbo poo can be handled by the skimmer which is not an issue for me.

Without the turbo, the tangs got more algae to graze on so I get to feed lesser so improvement to the water quality.

Ic.... now i got it. Anyway I should have at least 200pcs of baby turbo all over my tank, size about this smily size :angry: , do u think it will contribute in anyway to the water quality ?

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