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weileong's 4ft tank - Part II


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  • SRC Member

Sigh... <_<

Will that multi-tasking nicking pest stop irritating me with those hateful and bitter pms.

Safe yourself time and mine too. :bow:

I have never bothered into your threads. Dun spend your so 'useful' time on a nobody like me. B) You are such a BIG customer to the lfs...go start investing in them. You will be rewarded with so many red pratas!!! :yeah::yeah::yeah:

Moreover it does not speak well of you to criticise others' religion. Shows how shallow you are. Doesn't Singapore practise religious harmony? You meant that you dun even think of being a Singaporean anymore? :huh: Oh no...then where will your future home be? I make sure I steer clear. Too much politics... :o:sick::sick:

If you continue to persist in irritating me...i shall open the pms in public and let everybody has some entertainment... :rolleyes::(

PS: For the sake of yourself and others, pls fix an appointment with a shrink. :angel:

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This should stop .....WL has indicated his wish to keep the thread clean. Remember we are here to share reefing experiences, not to provoke one another.

Thanks for understanding.

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he... he... muskeeters come to the rescue again :P  :lol:

well .... you never exactly stayed out either..... :lol:

bro.Deepblue you can suspend me now ... I might go too far.... ;)

boss already explicitly instructed last time that you and weileong are not supposed to address each other in here but the very fact that you broke *radio silence* today when you are not supposed to show that you do not respect the rule and instructions given to you.

Yes, out of the blue you appear in his thread today when your posts are neither appreciated nor invited.

dun think you can just hang the *please suspend me* tag when the boss and mods have been patient with you.

oh yeah, and of coz you dun care even if they do so because u have morphed into something else.....the shell of Acanthurus pyroferus is worthless to you and you are ready to discard it in any second....but dun think you are able to hide in another shell....

remember, in the net, there is no such thing as being totally anonymous. we know where u have been....and what shells u are hiding under.

weileong has reefers in here who are willing to defend him if he is right and he needs not resort to using so-called *wife/fiancee/gf* rubbish nicks to defend him neither does he need to engage in split personalities to engage in debates in the forum.

for those who always feel that you are alone and need to pull in *relatives* or other *personalities*, please just understand that you are simply not welcomed. not in this thread at least :lol:

yes, let's keep weileong's thread clean...................

clean of unwelcomed guests :)

or nasty fishes :lol:

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  • SRC Member
Mods, IMHO, more concrete actions are needed here. ALL reefers fueling the fire should be given a warning to not further aggravate the situation or else... Ninjas included. ;) hehehehe

Sounds reasonable... :paiseh:

yup...I abide by whatever actions needed to be justifably taken. :cry:

Let's have peace before we make ourselves a laughing stock. :peace:

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Guys..... can we move on and respect WL's wish to keep the thread clean? I will proceed to remove further postings that is irrelevant to his tank.

I will pm to all reefers involved in this to seek your help plus cooperations and YES, a warning at the same time. Whether it is mountain ninja, aquatic fishes or angels.....

Any greviances...bring it up with the site admin...afterall ...he set the rules about this a while back

So if you see your warn bar having some new colours.... you know why

Let's get back to sharing our reefing exp and tank info

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  • SRC Member
Guys..... can we move on and respect WL's wish to keep the thread clean? I will proceed to remove further postings that is irrelevant to his tank.

I will pm to all reefers involved in this to seek your help and yes, a warning at the same time. Whether it is mountain ninja, aquatic fishes or angels.....

Let's get back to sharing our reefing exp and tank info

respected...... my apologies but i guess i reached my limits.......

sorry :bow::bow::bow:

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