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Roidan's Reef (III)


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the piece in your avatar is very nice also....

you din miss much lah...see your own piece can shiok shiok also ;)

but i din came hm empthy handed :P aniwaes really a fastest fingers first there..... the tanks were almost bare when i came... saw every thing in bags ;)

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yeah man....alot of early birds today....

even though almost all available standing place in front of the tanks were taken...there were no grumpy faces around even for those who had to wait a little while before getting access to their corals :lol:

when i was there there were just laughter, jokes, cheerful suggestions and advice over choosing the pieces...

this is what i call fun, even though it meant a break from my usual solitude coral hunting :lol:

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hey roidan..

wheres the latest red prate from EAP?


saw u there but couldnt even say hello as u were out as fast as u arrived..

ur toyota really works like a ferrari ah..

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in the grey shirt right? with spectacles....

my gf heard you and paul talking about...erm erm. :rolleyes: .. :lol:

actually, i told david, that is not a red prata most probaby,

more likely a red button :lol:

no lah...my toyota far from being a ferrari.... :lol:

alot of reefers here with faster cars....mine....can't even see their exhaust smoke :lol:

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blue t shirt and white berms...the most lok ###### dressed...and without a gf..

that place machiam dating ground...all had gf clining on their arms..

i was alone..out of place sia...

even the owners' gfs were ard..


u really lightning fast ah..

i saw ur post then immediately cheong there...alamak still lose...

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ohh..... she now say paul and someone wearing dark shirt talking...not grey ah...maybe blue like you say lor...better send my gf for eyesight check liao...

better not lah...if she improves her eyesight and see that i am as big size as shrek...then she wanna run away...she definitely wun want to be fiona :lol:

my gf wanted to play with the white doggie there but paiseh :lol:

i told david give me half an hour i will be there, but i think i was there long before the half hour mark was up :lol:

yeah..it helped that the usual eunos way down was not jammed...if today is weekday....i surely late :lol:

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i shld have learnt from u

call to resevre then pia there...

i not so good life leh...takem 240 there one..


ur gf chio bu ah....whahahh....u not that fat lah...but not slim...


the doggie sure looks cute..super obedient..

the lady boss was playing with it..

last week went farms all empty..this week all come shipments....

heng still managed to get some not bad corals...

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haha...eh...dun learn from me lah lvcap...

wait genna complain then you know...

wait end up not being called culprit but say commit crime liao... :lol:

eh...240 not bad leh...a few years back maybe i still taking VOLVO....

the bus i mean... :lol:

and hor...dun use the reserve word....this *reserve* word may strike a sour chord one :P so i told david.....try to put your hand over it before i reach...give me half an hour :lol:

so next time remember, tell david, help you put his hand over the coral for you....

i think he also gets finicky over the word *reserve* :lol:

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reserve one pc nia mah

not one lot...

somemore i also half hr reach there......not as if reserve 10 days


but some shops allow pple to reserve a few more days if u super regular..

ah bo my tank really empty...working hrs same as them..


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i still taking the big big Volvo and Mercedes leh..

those must tap one when u board..


this week good week...i wasted money last week...went round the farms bought almost nothing and kenna a eye opener experience...

but i missed out the LPS at Little india leh..

but EAP ones not bad...my wallet reallly no more place to burn liao..

time to buy bread for the rest of the month..

while my corals feed on good food..

heard there were 2 prata....who was the other lucky guy?

hey wl...SIMI fish u toking abt?

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yeah..that's why the first thing i asked him on the phone was....

how many pieces you have...coz his policy is can only RESERVE half of the same kind of things....he told me only 1....then i ask him how? we both laughed.....

coz 1 also means all, so i told him, go cut half ...reserve half for me..if i can make it there....i join the reserved 1/2 piece and the other 1/2 piece together at home :lol:

so i told him...put your hand over it....i also very scared to use *reserve* the word liao :P

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Today very shiok hor? Want SPS got SPS, want LPS got LPS... wanna THAT fish also can get lol.... so happy.

Super shiong man pocket burn big hole.....

yeah man...so fun so fun....

lps lovers get their lps at hong wei.....

sps lovers get their sps at hong wei also....

all go home with smile on their faces....no grumpy sulky faces..

but the widest grin of coz on hong wei's face :lol:

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hey WL..

super leh..i dint even realise 2 doors...


might as well say even 2 storeys ah...and can sit hundred or so..

but i prefer a pte world in my own car ah


i havent had the chance to visit the now popular shop at little india leh...shld find time to go one day..

that fish??

hmm......wonder what is it?

Gem Tang ah?


hey roidan..u only bought the red "prata"?

nothing else?

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Yeap today is very fun cheong shipment... everyone meet have kopi then hong wei come open shop and all cheong inside.... wow all the excitment.... all the super chio SPS & LPS. Like you said...all hands fast fast squeeze in front of the tanks but all also very happy :P Where got like pple say what snatching, havoc and out of control situation.

This also goes the same for the other LFSes having shipment today!

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yeah, just took the one and left...although din open up nicely yet over there, but just take a gamble lor...after all, it's a way of patronising their business

i dun like to talk so much in the end never buy anything...a bit paiseh also....

so, just grab and leave....

next time remember to say hi to me... :)


you are right....very fun....even flubber jie had a piece of the action...

definitely no need for crowd control .... :lol:

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