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A&S Reefing Journey (Part 2)


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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

Pic taken during a water change.


Unfortunately return pump died after powering down. Lucky manage to send to RD for a check and managed to resolved it within the day. Hopefully no casualty for the few hours of downtime.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Apex save the day!

Was outside and suddenly received an alert. Skimmer auto turn off.


Came home to realise the skimmer waste output container is full and hence alert and turned off the skimmer.

I usually empty this container every few months. This time round, something triggered the skimmer to overflow and filled up the container.

Highly recommend to invest in one!

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  • SRC Member

I changed from Clarisea Gen 2 to Gen 3 in end nov last year. Below is my review for Gen 3.

If any reefer ask me if worth the change or not, my answer is yes! Below are the reason why.

1) I am a neat guy and I am sure to cable tie all cables. Even for my skimmer, I diy mod to a quick release at the skimmer end so I can easily remove to wash if needed.


However, for the Clarisea motor, is it a DC cable and hence not so easy to mod and of course due to warranty issue.

The Gen 3 come with a quick release near the Motor end and you can easily remove the motor. Very helpful when changing the filter roll. In The past, I need to do it at the slump area as my cable is tied and tend to make a small mess.

2) The ability to remove the filter roll with jus a push! I used the same tool to try and remove Gen 2 filter roll but unable to do so and hence I am doubtful for Gen 3. I jus changed the roll today and it was a breeze.


So easy to remove now. Previously I will use a pen knife to cut and cut till I remove the roll.

Conclusion! Gen 3 for the win!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! Noticed you had dealt with velvet and some fish manage to survive. I needed some advice as I think I’m having a velvet in my tank now. Those fish that survived, did you take those fish out for copper treatment just to kill off the velvet? Or the velvet will just die off when the fish immunity gets stronger? I read that fish can get immune but can still be carrier, hence having concern for future fish addition. Thanks!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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  • SRC Member

Hi, only survival is PT.. I leave it on the tank.. didn’t go fallow but I didn’t add fish for 1 month plus. After that I slowly add and all is ok.

No treatment given..

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