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Fauna Marin AEFW X


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Fauna Marin AEFW X 500ml

AEFW X the solution against Acropora eating flatworms


AEFW X works specifically against Acropora flatworms (“AEFW” and “NAEFW”). The special composition of the product blocks the larval development so that the metamorphosis producing reproductive adults is not accomplished. Adults of these species also stop reproducing and quit further growth.


AEFW X is effective against:

•Prosthiostomum acroporae (Acropora eating flatworm)

•New AEFW flatworm („NAEFW“)


AEFW X is used inside the reef tank and is reef safe. Other tank inhabitants will not be affected.

We recommend a treatment period of at least 4 - 6 weeks to ensure that all existing flatworms have perished. If necessary, this treatment can be continued indefinitely. Please read the HTU AEFW before using AEFW X and follow the application instructions and tips! Usually, infested tanks are free of those flatworms after 4 - 6 weeks. The acroporids are visibly in improved condition, with better mucus secretion and enhanced immune system. The receptiveness for new infections is thus significantly reduced.


Suitable for:

SPS Corals Acropora sp.


***AEFW X can be used on a daily basis as a PREVENTION***


I am protected!! What about u?





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Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app



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