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I bought blue tips once and it has remained brown for a year now... My other blue staghorn will turn brown when light is not enough but under strong light the sky blue comes out strongly with excellent growth.

I had 3 types of purple, one colony just cannot adapt and has since been reduced to a few branches, the other is now recovering and the tips have become purple again (after a year), the 3rd one turn purple after a month.

So can you come out with a rule for acros... the answer is no. Depends much on ur luck and ur tank conditions.

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  • SRC Member

How i wish my this very 1st purple acro is still around. It's the prettiest acro I ever seen in LFS to date.

It's my fault for experimenting more flow for the acro. Ya..I blew the output of my eheim 1060 at it, half a day later, half the acro tissue is floating in the water. :blink:


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Hi GUys,

Jus recently received a few more SPS...

Thanks to Tanzy for trading some frags with me....

Hope the Montipora colours up in your reef..... ;)

Jus realise that I have a frag of a millepora.... currently brown buts turning green....

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Do you want to test run a 400W MH in your tank?

I can bring a pendant and a few type of bulbs and we'll see what the effects are like before you decide.


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Do you want to test run a 400W MH in your tank?

I can bring a pendant and a few type of bulbs and we'll see what the effects are like before you decide.

Will be glad to give it a try.... :lol:

So when would you like to come over again???


Not a problem...

You can choose to sell it to me or trade with whatever I have.... ;)

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  • 8 years later...

Wa seh Jeremy, great job in digging out this 'old photo album' :shock: while browsing through, it's as if am flipping those 60's bnw photos, very heart warming to see that the enthusiasm of someone who is so keen to learn, and you probably know who is PHANG :upsidedown:

Now looking back through the threads, it's no wonder why he is now considered as one of the expert :thumbsup:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Wilson tell me about it, when I started this hobby I didn't know much about sps, only knew they were hard, delicate (don't think wai) and needs good husbandry.

SRC is like the ocean a depth of knowledge, good to learn from the masters and also the challenges they faced 9 yrs ago. Dug up a lot of hidden dragons, not sure if they are still reefing.

Found a lot of threads of the earlier sps keepers, also saw Joe_P's tank thread and a lot of questions and answers which we could learn a thing or two.

Will post more links, you be amazed by the threads that I've found.

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