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Fish For Export

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Does anyone know how to export a small quantity of fish out of Singapore??

1. Hand Carry through the airport?

2. Place inside suitcase and check-in?

3. Or just have to arrange for a cargo agent to pack and send as cargo?

This would help avoid any waste, in case the fish gets confiscated by the airport authorities.

Any idea how much the cargo agents charge??

Thanks a bunch.

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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  • SRC Member

Do it at your own risk bro...hand-carry or cargo livestock(undeclared) will all be handed over to ava(theres a ava building at airport). If go thru cargo and its declared accordingly, it'll be fine with all the paperwork and the species u get is not banned in singapore.

Anyway i use to work in airport.

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Thanks Jesperlam.

By the way, your info is for bringing in fish to singapore or out??

I'm thinking of gettting some fish out.


6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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  • SRC Member
Thanks Jesperlam.

By the way, your info is for bringing in fish to singapore or out??

I'm thinking of gettting some fish out.


Do a search. One forumer did post something regarding this before. His info is base on bringing fish into Singapore.

As for bringing out of Singapore, that shouldn't be a issue. The issue is whether that country allows importing of fish or not and their country regulation.




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  • SRC Member
Bringing out they go thru the same process as bringing in...there was a few times of those endangered star turtles being retained at the cargo complex screening. It for  a departure flight...some guy in the east sending out.... :D

Pardon me to misunderstanding your question as you didn't state "ENDANGERED" in you post thus I assume it is normal LS.

Pls bear in mind that NO ENDANGERED species is to be trade/export unless you are talking about ...... or you have special clearance from AVA.




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  • SRC Member

Sorry for the misunderstanding...didnt mention that the guy declared the boxes contains clothes and toys, instead of real LS. Anyway star turtle are banned in SG.

But i think the import/export part can give AVA a call to enquire more. Think need a few paperwork before everything.

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  • SRC Member
Sorry for the misunderstanding...didnt mention that the guy declared the boxes contains clothes and toys, instead of real LS. Anyway star turtle are banned in SG.

But i think the import/export part can give AVA a call to enquire more. Think need a few paperwork before everything.

Paperwork in SG body general takes a lonngggggg time to process even thru' it might just be a sign and ok thing.

Anyway good luck to you in getting the papers.




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No problem with paperwork wise as all the LS are common and not endangered. Problem lies with the airport authorities. i believe they are very particuliar about bringing fish through the airport, i.e if its not proper cargo. I was planning on taking some LS out by hand carry but was adviced to just stick it in the bag and check in. Even that method is not foolproof. So alternatively have to send thru air freight...but for small amount might be too costly to be sensible.

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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  • SRC Member
No problem with paperwork wise as all the LS are common and not endangered. Problem lies with the airport authorities. i believe they are very particuliar about bringing fish through the airport, i.e if its not proper cargo. I was planning on taking some LS out by hand carry but was adviced to just stick it in the bag and check in. Even that method is not foolproof. So alternatively have to send thru air freight...but for small amount might be too costly to be sensible.

Do you intend to bring alot?




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Not really. About a dozen or 2 if i can but it depends if i can hand carry them or keep them inside my suitcase or by air freight.

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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Yeah its been tight recently. But been told that hand carry a no no but if packed in a suitcase, will be no problem if only a few LS. I guess if all fails i've no alternative but to air freight it. Troublesome though.

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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  • SRC Member

Its against civil aviation regulation to have living animals other than human beings on a passenger craft. You can only send via an air freight agent on a cargo plane.

This is also provided that the animal that you are exporting is not listed under CITES list of endangered animals/plants

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Sunfish, thanks for the info but i believe its incorrect. Live animals can be brought onto passenger aircrafts needn't be sent via a cargo plane. Live fish,dogs cats,etc...all get sent via passenger planes but need to be via a freight agent.

Thanks anyway

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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  • SRC Member

:D yes and no lah, you can read up about civil aviation regulations....actually i thought that way too, until I tried it....hehehe..

check-in baggages are normally not kept in pressurized and temperature regulated compartments. Certain times passenger crafts are used for cargo purposes, that is subjected to prior arrangement between the airlines and the freight agent and conditions in the storage compartment will have to be adjusted accordingly.

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OK.....check in baggages aren't kept in temperature control areas but are kept in pressurised areas. Thats why if somebody packs some durians in the bag, everyone on board can smell it during the flight. Not a big problem for carrying live fishes as the temperature where the bags are kept are about 18 to 20 degrees....so the fish won't be far from their ideal temp. Plus if the flight isn't long than it won't be a problem.

I know that most airlines do bring live fish and stuff on board all the time together with passengers provided they are packed according to requirements/ regulations. Hence the need for air freight cargo agents.

Hand Carry.....now that i'm not so sure as it's not written down anywhere that its not allowed. I believe its frowned upon but also depending on the airport and airline itself.

I just want to avoid the complications and waste in case i hand carry it LS and encounter hassle.

Anybody else to clarify? or alternative?

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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  • SRC Member

ok, I have tried hand carry fishes from HxxxKxxx, it doesn't work...

I went through quite a lot of hassle as I was first held back at the customs, while they check if the species I carried are protected under CITES....

Even after the airport customs cleared me, they informed the airlines that I am taking.....thats how I learnt that handcarry of livestocks is not allowed.

suggest that you call up the airlines to enquire about their policies....

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ok Thanks for the info.

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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I took fish from S'pore and from other places.

You have to consider the following:

1.What is the qtty of fish+how many boxes and approximate weight.

2.What are the rules in the posrt of destination.(health cert?import license?any other paper work you should obtain?)

Let me know these and I'll give you some good advise.


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vili shark,

Glad you can help. Anyway thinking of bringing back about a maximum of 15 fishes out of Singapore. Not sure how its packed so unsure how many boxes or weight. A guess would be about 1 or 2 small boxes, think maybe 8kgs max?? As for paperwork at the destination, thats not a problem and very straight forward.

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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I forgot to add that it depends how long time is the flight, this is for knowing size of packing.

So let's say 15 fish size of a pygmi angel, for 24hrs packing.

You'll need two box.

A box weight is around 10 to 12Kg.

To be safe at Changi, I'd advise to get a Health certificate, like this you're out smoothly, now you'll face problems only with the airlines to do with over weight.

You can talk with the arlines in advance and let them know about that you are THINKING of carrying kive fish back with you, and what will they charge for it.

By then you should know what will be your baggage approx weight and add the fish weight to this and see, it might be worth paying abit of over weight and that's it.

Otherwise, you might wanna get in touch with an exporter who will do all this for you.

He will pack, get the Health cert, get the best rates with the airlines and ship the fish for ya.

You should ask yourself if the fish you are about to buy are worth all the hassle, or maybe you can buy'em where u live at abit more money, but no hassle.


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Thanks Vili Shark. Didn't know about the Health Cert. But will look into it. From the sounds of it, its more a problem with the individual airline rather than the airport.

Thought about getting through a exporter but seems awfully troublesome and costly. Thought it'll be a simple task while i'm singapore for a trip to just bring a few fishes back.

just to give you a rough indication of the price (if you're curious) Yellow Tang would cost me SGD98.....i suspect about 3 times more than singapore??? Worst of all, there aren't much to choose from. Its sort of take it or leave it.

Thanks again.

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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I personally feel that unless you're going for the expensive fish it will not be worth bringin home all these fish (money wise).

Might be that you'll get a better selection of fish like you mentioned.

The airline might kill ya with an overweight, that's why I adviced you to talk with them in advance a couple of days before the flight, when you'll have the approximate details about the size and weight of your fish box and your baggage weight.

If ya need an exporter send me a PM, I can reccomend ya a good guy who handled the export for me and did it perfectly.

He also got a good selection of fish and corals.

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