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Which lighting is suitable for shallow 2ft tank?

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Hi, all SPS reefers,

I have run my 2ft tank + 2 ft sump for more than 2 years. water parameter is stable and the DSB is matured. I am plan to convert it into SPS tank. With 5 inches DSB, the water level is less than 12 inches depth and the SPS will be placed on the rock which is less than 8 inches from the light. I am running Resun chiller (CL-280) which can only keep the water temp around 27.5C at hot weather.

Which on of the following light is more suitable to keep the colour of the SPS?

1) Add a 150W 10,000K MH supplement with my existing 36W blue/white PL and 15W actinic blue FL.


2) Add 4 AquaZ T5 supplement with my existing 36W blue/white PL and 15W actinic blue FL?

Here are some criteria for me to decide:

1) Is AquaZ T5 same bright as ATI T5?

2) Is 4 T5 produce less heat than 1 150W MH?

3) I like the ripple effect created by single point MH but hate the heat produced by MH.

4) Prices between 150w MH set and 4 T5 set.

Seek for your advice :thanks:

Thanks and Best regards

Jun Hong

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  • SRC Member

1) ATI blues can last longer than Aquaz if i'm not wrong

2) T5 is definately lesser heat

3) The heat produced by MH is hard to avoid. But adding 1-2 fans blowing at the fixture will do.

4) T5 depends on the which brand u looking for. ATI will defiantely cost more. But for a 2ft, 1x150w will be sufficient. Or a 250w will be more than enough to cover ur whole tank. IMO, get a MH is better. :D

Just my 2 cents

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ATI blues can last longer than Aquaz if i'm not wrong

Do u have facts to support tis statement? :heh:

1x150w will be sufficient. Or a 250w will be more than enough to cover ur whole tank. IMO, get a MH is better.

Both 150 and 250W will give u the same coverage. Its all bottoms dwn to the reflector u gonna use. 250W will of coz give u better intensity. ;)

For ur depth, 150W is sufficient together with T5 or PL as supplement but u may wanna consider changin ur chiller coz on a hot day ur tank register a temp of 27.5 w/o MH and with MH...ur tank will be very much warmer.


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member

i'm using resun-280 with 150MH and 2x36W PL....not problem with the heat.....but the moment my pump to chiller dies, all SPS in my tank gone....

Anyway, i think if your 2 footer is shallow enough or if you place your SPS very high up you might get away with T5.....

You might want to check with our tank of the moment winner Danno...he is using t5 and my eyes really drop down the first time i saw his tank!!!

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I have used MHs exclusively for my last reef and am now heading towards a 2 footer reef fired up entirely by T5s.. 8 pieces of them..

You are welcome to take a look in the near future.. that is if you like to see some colours. ;)

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  • SRC Member

Here are some criteria for me to decide:

1) Is AquaZ T5 same bright as ATI T5? ATI T5s are proven to be effective.

2) Is 4 T5 produce less heat than 1 150W MH? T5s radiate less heat and the chiller doesn't have to work as hard.

3) I like the ripple effect created by single point MH but hate the heat produced by MH. I like the ripple effect too but heat was the overriding factor, that's why I went with T5s.

4) Prices between 150w MH set and 4 T5 set. T5 set may be more expensive.

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  • SRC Member
I have used MHs exclusively for my last reef and am now heading towards a 2 footer reef fired up entirely by T5s.. 8 pieces of them..

You are welcome to take a look in the near future.. that is if you like to see some colours. ;)

Thanks Joe_P :thanks:

Looking forward to view your wonderful tank. :P Hope won't disturb you and your family. :paiseh:

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  • SRC Member
You might want to check with our tank of the moment winner Danno...he is using t5 and my eyes really drop down the first time i saw his tank!!!

Yup, Danano bonsai SPS nano tank is the one which inspired me to start SPS. :angel:

Wonder when will my tank reach half of his standard :rolleyes:

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