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Tonga Branches for sale!


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Excess tonga for sale... left over from my aquascape.. all branches type.. medium sized.. been curing in a tank for 4 weeks+.. yesterday put inside my new tank.. only a little ammonia observed.. 0-0.25 from salifert

Got abt 8-10kg... selling at $10 per kg.. take all for $70..


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Hi Ekia,

Not very ethical of you to do this, you sold me 45+kg of these tonga branches packed in sacks, claiming that 99% of them are like branches you are soaking in your curing tank. I trusted you and did not open all the sacks, but when I was cleaning them, I found that almost 50% of them are small broken pieces. I sms and pm you, asking you to swap some but you just said nothing left to exchange and u can do nothing and ignored all my subsequent sms/pm, now u have excess to sell. :angry:



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Hello, just to make it clear… a lot of things that you are saying are not true, and stop putting words into my mouth…

1. Firstly, I told you that most of those inside the sacks are branches, I didn’t say how many are big pieces or small pieces, because I don’t know either. I said 99% were branches. Seriously, I also got a lot of small pieces and I just threw them into my sump. I bought those tonga in sacks without opening either. I’m actually making a loss by selling those to you, I bought them at $8 per kg which is at a special price(I can't disclose it actually). The night before you came, most of the sacks were 10kg and above, but when you came, I measure them again for you to see and to my surprise, every single sack weigh at least 2kg less. Forgot about the evaporation. I didn’t complain right? So stop acting like a child. Where else can you find tonga branches at $8 per kg. Taking away those small pieces, it’s still cheaper then what you can buy at LFS. Furthermore, I asked you to check the rocks also, I even opened up for you to see. I didn’t force you to buy either. Remember you were saying that you didn’t know its uncured? And again, remember me telling you if you didn’t want them, it’s ok? Curing them is not an easy job either.

2. I didn’t ignore a single sms/pm from you. Touch your conscience and think again. 1 month ago, you were complaining about the exact thing and I replied every single sms from you. The last sms from you was about taking photos for me to see but you never got back? Remember?

Yesterday, you complain again, I replied your pm… your exacts words were: “Please respond asap or I will reply in your post”

I woke up in the middle of the night to watch soccer, saw your pm and replied you immediately. Just came back from work and saw your pm again, the pm was sent at 11+am, didn’t have a chance to reply and you had already started flaming in my thread (at 5+pm). So did I have a chance to reply you? Seriously, you didn’t wish to settle this privately at all, you just can’t wait to post it up here in the threadfor everyone to see. Since you did that, so be it, I got nothing to fear.

3. Talking about excess rocks to sell. 1 month ago when you smsed me, I had already sold all the excess rocks, the rest I’m keeping for myself (the sole reason why I bought these rocks). That’s why I told you there were none left. Now I have excess rocks, it's because I finished my aquascaping and there were a bit left-over…

Sorry I don’t wish to be personal but it was really never ever in my impression that an adult 30+ (or more?) with a kid and driving a Merc acting this way… I bought extra tonga so that I can benefit the people in here who want cheap tonga. The only problem is that you have to cure them yourself, but it’s a lot of money saved (About $10 per kg saved?) 45kg is $450 saved? But never did I expect having to deal all these nonsense.

These remaining tonga I'm selling at slightly higher price because I have to clean them up and cure them with skimmers, powerhead and air pump for 4 weeks. Again, I don't think I'm making any profit at all.

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What exactly did I say in my post that are not true, the only words I mentioned you said are :

"claiming that 99% of them are like branches you are soaking in your curing tank", you yourself admitted you said so in your own post, but now u want to play with words that u never say how many big pieces or small pieces. We both cured about 45+kg and u have small pieces to throw in your sump whereas I have small pieces to fill a 4ft fibreglass pond, 3 reefers here can testify to that.

Yes, u responded to my pm last month that u have sold the remaining 2 sacks and nothing to exchange with me, but I was asking to at least swap some of the small broken pieces with those large branches in your curing tanks. You did not respond to that pm and sms.

I was prepared to forget the whole thing giving u the benefit of doubt that u needed all those in your curing tanks. But when u posted to sell the excess, I pm u again to say it is only fair that since u have excess to exchange with me first, and your response :

"these are supposed to be kept for use by myself, now there's leftover, of course i'm selling them."

the same kind of "too bad for you, nobody force u to buy" attitude that I get from your previous responses.

Furthermore, you are contradicting yourself, saying that you don't want to be personal and yet making personal attacks, what has the age and driving a merc got to do with wanting to have a fair deal. The crux of the matter is that u did not deliver your end of the agreement.

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