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Anyone can advise me what is this on my coral?


Is it harmful and how can I get rid of it?



Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app




• 60cm x 45cm x 50cm tank

• Chiller at 25 to 26 Celsius

• OASE Biomaster 250

• 75W lighting

• Jebao SOW-5M Wavemaker

• RODI water with 25% weekly water change

• no protein skimmer/ no calcium reactor


▪︎2 Ocellaris Clown

▪︎1 White Bellied Yellow Wrasse

▪︎1 Yellow Tang

▪︎2 Green-Blue Chromis

▪︎1 Orange Spotted Goby

▪︎1 Tailspot Blenny

▪︎1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


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Vertimid snail, bone cutters, crush them
Haiz! I put 4 bumble bee snails and it ain't eating it!

Seriously have no idea how these vertemid snails came about!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


• 60cm x 45cm x 50cm tank

• Chiller at 25 to 26 Celsius

• OASE Biomaster 250

• 75W lighting

• Jebao SOW-5M Wavemaker

• RODI water with 25% weekly water change

• no protein skimmer/ no calcium reactor


▪︎2 Ocellaris Clown

▪︎1 White Bellied Yellow Wrasse

▪︎1 Yellow Tang

▪︎2 Green-Blue Chromis

▪︎1 Orange Spotted Goby

▪︎1 Tailspot Blenny

▪︎1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


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  • SRC Member
1 hour ago, Rattas said:

U can’t eradicate vertimids imo, u can keep them under control tho 

I beg to differ, i had a vertimid out break and after adding 10 bumblebee snails, and after crushing as many as i can find, i have yet to find a new one for a few months!

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EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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How does the bumble bee snails eat the vermetid snails when they are always in the base tube?

I beg to differ, i had a vertimid out break and after adding 10 bumblebee snails, and after crushing as many as i can find, i have yet to find a new one for a few months!

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


• 60cm x 45cm x 50cm tank

• Chiller at 25 to 26 Celsius

• OASE Biomaster 250

• 75W lighting

• Jebao SOW-5M Wavemaker

• RODI water with 25% weekly water change

• no protein skimmer/ no calcium reactor


▪︎2 Ocellaris Clown

▪︎1 White Bellied Yellow Wrasse

▪︎1 Yellow Tang

▪︎2 Green-Blue Chromis

▪︎1 Orange Spotted Goby

▪︎1 Tailspot Blenny

▪︎1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


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  • SRC Member
7 minutes ago, Dennerle said:

How does the bumble bee snails eat the vermetid snails when they are always in the base tube?


Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


Honestly i have no idea, i added them but i did not observe them eating vermetid snails, but they might be the reason why i am not seeing new ones popping up.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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