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Philipines Shipment 200121


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Mid week shipment from Philippines is here
Hurry down to ABA today to avoid disappointment 
Common Name Scientific Name Size
African Clown Amphiprion Clarkii
Assessor Basslet Assessor Randalli SM
Banded parrot Cheilinus Fasciatus M
Banded Shark Chiloscyllium Punctatum S
Bella Rose Goby Valenciennae bella M
Black Back Butterfly Chaetodon melanotus M
Black Peacock Lion Pterois Volitans L
Black Peacock Lion Pterois Volitans M
Black prawn goby Cryptocentrus Cinctus
Blue Eye Tang Ctenochaetus binotatus M
Blue godeon goby Ptereleotris Heteropterus S
Blue Hana Goby Pterleotris Hanae M
Blue starfish Linkia Laevigata
Blueface trigger-male Xanthichtys Auromarqinatus M
Blueline snapper Lotjanus Bengalensis M
Brown Carpet Anemone Stoichacti kenti M
Brown Heniochus Heniochus Chrysostomus M
Bubble Anemone (Ord.) Radianthus Retteri M
Bubble Tip Anemone (GREEN) Radianthus Retteri M
Bumble bee snail Esgina sp.
Chelmone Butterfly Chelmon Rostratus S
Chelmone Butterfly Chelmon Rostratus T
Chocolate starfish Asterina Gibbosa
Coral Beauty Angel Centropyge Bispinosa SM
Coral Hog Fish Bodianus Mesothorax M
Dog face puffer Arothron Nigropunctatus M
Double Starfish Iconaster longimanus S
Firefish Goby Nemateleotris magnifica SM
Flagfin Angel Apolemicthys Trimaculatus M
Flame Scallop Ctenoides scaber M
Green Garden Eel Heteroconger Halis M
Green mandarin Synchiropus Splendidus M
Katherines Fairy Wrasse-male Cirrhilabrus katherine M
Lipstick tang Naso Literatus M
Lipstick tang Naso Literatus M
Lunula Butterfly Chaetodon Lunula M
Maroon clown Premmas Biaculeatus M
Maroon clown Premmas Biaculeatus S
Moon Jelly fish Aurelia aurita M
Moorish idol Zanclus cornutus M
Orange starfish Linkia Laevigata M
Orna Butterfly Chaetodon Ornattissimus SM
Percula Clown Amhiprion Occelaris M
Percula Clown Amhiprion Occelaris S
Percula Clown Amhiprion Occelaris T
Pinnatus Bat Fish Platax Pinnatus S
Pintail fairy wrasse-male Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus M
Plebius Butterfly Chaetodon Plebius M
Plebius Butterfly Chaetodon Plebius S
Powderbrown tang Acanthurus Japonicus M
Punctato Butterfly Chaetodon Punctatofasciatus M
Queen trigger Odonus Niger M
Rafflessi Butterfly Chaetodon Rafflessil S
Red bottom anemone Heteractics spp. M
Red Checkered Butterfly Chaetodon Xanthuros M
Red starfish Ophidiaster Fromia S
Regal Angel Pygollitis Diacanthus S
Saddle Damsel Amblypomacentrus Breviceps
Sailfin fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus cyanogularis M
Sailfin tang Zebrasuma Veliferus S
Sailfin tang Zebrasuma Veliferus M
Spotted cardinal Sphaeramia Orbicularis
Square Anthias Anthias Pleurothnia SM
Starry blenny Salarais ramosus M
Strawberry Grouper Pseudochromis Porrphyrous M
Tail Spot Blenny Ecsenius stigmatura M
Three Stripes Damsel Dascyllus Aruanus
Tiger pistol shrimp Alpheus bellulus M
Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus T
Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus S
Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus M
White flat anemone Anemonia specie M
White Spotted Grouper Epinephelus Adsens M
Yellow Angel Centropyge Heraldi M
Yellow Anthias Anthias Pleurotaenia SM
Yellow Fin Tang Ctenochaetus Teminiensis T
Yellow flat anemone Anemonia specie M
Yellow Longnose Butterfly Forcifiger Flavissimus M
Yellow Tang Acanthurus Pyroferus M
Yellow watchman goby Cryptocentrus M
Ah Beng Aquarium
471 Geylang Rd, Singapore 389430
(+65 67410208)


Telegram : @ahbengaquarium / Broadcast https://t.me/abaquarium / Auction :https://t.me/joinchat/UtZL_RiR-W_90hY1Bqx_zg

Facebook: Ah Beng Aquarium / https://www.facebook.com/ahbeng.aquarium/ 

Whatsapp : 9776 1341 image_1eih4equ8mp31ee11d7rsm31o7tc.png.a9db08386d43ef7ae5dfe9812bd2065a.png

 At Geylang making fish tank for you.

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Ah Beng Aquarium
471 Geylang Rd, Singapore 389430
(+65 67410208)


Telegram : @ahbengaquarium / Broadcast https://t.me/abaquarium / Auction :https://t.me/joinchat/UtZL_RiR-W_90hY1Bqx_zg

Facebook: Ah Beng Aquarium / https://www.facebook.com/ahbeng.aquarium/ 

Whatsapp : 9776 1341 image_1eih4equ8mp31ee11d7rsm31o7tc.png.a9db08386d43ef7ae5dfe9812bd2065a.png

 At Geylang making fish tank for you.

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