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Are there any triggerfish suitable for a smaller tank?

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I’m also considering a Triggerfish and looking to see if any would be suitable for a smaller tank, as in 6’ x 2’ (or 2.2’) x 1.5’. I know most can get quite large.

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  • SRC Member

a 6ft tank should be enough for a handful of species. more importantly triggers aren’t reefsafe if you’re planning to get corals(they will go for fleshy polyps when curious/hungry and tend to grind their teeth on stony corals). The most reefsafe ones you can go for are Xanthichthys species like Bluethroat triggers or the more elusive Crosshatch trigger, but even those might munch on shrimp and crabs if you have them in a reeftank.

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Yeah I’m considering the Blue Throat. How hardy are they?


what about Rhinecanthus Triggers? Would they be suitable in terms of size and temperament?

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  • SRC Member
Yeah I’m considering the Blue Throat. How hardy are they?
what about Rhinecanthus Triggers? Would they be suitable in terms of size and temperament?

personally i’ve kept them twice before and they are one of the hardier peaceful fish in a typical reeftank(more so than tangs definitely). easy to feed them too.

i would avoid rhinecanthus triggers though, especially in tanks with more delicate fish like butterflies that are prone to getting bullied by boisterous fish like the majority of triggers are.

even smaller picassos/humu-humu can get very nippy and territorial despite their size

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That’s good to know. What happened to the Blue Throats you kept?

one of them died when my old system crashed a few years back, the other i sold cause it didn’t get along with my sohal tang for some reason

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8 minutes ago, soggycookies said:

one of them died when my old system crashed a few years back, the other i sold cause it didn’t get along with my sohal tang for some reason

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

I see.... How big’s your tank and what do you have in it? Do you live in an apartment if so which floor? I’m asking because I live on a second floor apartment, in China tho.

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  • SRC Member
I see.... How big’s your tank and what do you have in it? Do you live in an apartment if so which floor? I’m asking because I live on a second floor apartment, in China tho.
my old one was 5x2x2ft, about 120 gallons. current one is 6x3x2.5ft, about 300gallons. my tank is on ground level so i can’t say for the weight criteria of your apartment. best ask your local engineer about it to be safe.

have a reeftank with mostly soft coral with a large angel as the centrepiece fish, several tangs, a large thalassoma wrasse, couple of clowns and 2 squirrel/soldierfish and a type of demoiselle.

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5 minutes ago, soggycookies said:

my old one was 5x2x2ft, about 120 gallons. current one is 6x3x2.5ft, about 300gallons. my tank is on ground level so i can’t say for the weight criteria of your apartment. best ask your local engineer about it to be safe.

have a reeftank with mostly soft coral with a large angel as the centrepiece fish, several tangs, a large thalassoma wrasse, couple of clowns and 2 squirrel/soldierfish and a type of demoiselle.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Envy you lol. 

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