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Questions about a few fish.


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Hi all I would like to know what is your opinion of the following fish I am considering for my tank?

1. Yellow Pyramid Butterflyfish

2. Spot Breast (Japanese Swallowtail), Lamarck’s and Watanabei Angelfish

3. Coral Beauty Angelfish

4. Burgess Butterflyfish

5. Mimic Lemonpeel Tang

6. Zebrasoma Tangs (Purple, Scopas, Yellow- Hawaii ban so not available anymore)


How would you rank their hardiness and resistance to diseases? Would you say any of them are particularly hard for beginner like me?


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  • SRC Member
Hi all I would like to know what is your opinion of the following fish I am considering for my tank?
1. Yellow Pyramid Butterflyfish
2. Spot Breast (Japanese Swallowtail), Lamarck’s and Watanabei Angelfish
3. Coral Beauty Angelfish
4. Burgess Butterflyfish
5. Mimic Lemonpeel Tang
6. Zebrasoma Tangs (Purple, Scopas, Yellow- Hawaii ban so not available anymore)
How would you rank their hardiness and resistance to diseases? Would you say any of them are particularly hard for beginner like me?

pretty sure yellow tangs are still available. see them quite often, just that their prices have spiked, almost doubled.

as for hardiness, the butterflies are the most delicate, so you’ll probably want to add them first if possible, followed by the genicanthus angels, then tangs and finally the coral beauty.

one main challenge you will probably run into is getting your tangs to coexist peacefully with one another. depending on your tank size, this varies in difficulty. also, adding them together may make it easier at first, especially if they were all bought at the same time. that said, there’s still a chance they will fight for territory eventually.

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31 minutes ago, soggycookies said:

pretty sure yellow tangs are still available. see them quite often, just that their prices have spiked, almost doubled.

as for hardiness, the butterflies are the most delicate, so you’ll probably want to add them first if possible, followed by the genicanthus angels, then tangs and finally the coral beauty.

one main challenge you will probably run into is getting your tangs to coexist peacefully with one another. depending on your tank size, this varies in difficulty. also, adding them together may make it easier at first, especially if they were all bought at the same time. that said, there’s still a chance they will fight for territory eventually.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

I’m going to do an upwards of 4 larger fish in a 6’ x 2’ x 1.5’ tank so 130G (128.39 if we are being precise). I am not sure if I will add more than 1 Tang, was just looking into the Mimic for a possibility. I have given up on Bristletooths because heard they can be harder to get eating as they like to eat detritus while Zebrasoma and some Acanthurus are traditional herbivores / omnivores.

     Just how delicate are the Genicanthus and Yellow Pyramid Butterflies? Do they get sick easily? Need very good water quality at all times? What about the Coral Beauty and Tangs?

    For smaller fish I am looking at 1 Ocellaris pair (Captive Bred), Yellow Watchman Goby and Tiger Pistol Shrimp combo, some damsels, Pajama Cardinal, some wrasses including Yellow Coris. That’s what I am considering for now.

    Royal Gramma, Midas Blenny, Long Nose Hawk, Borbonius Anthias, and Burgess Butterfly (Roaps) also on pending list.

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  • SRC Member
I’m going to do an upwards of 4 larger fish in a 6’ x 2’ x 1.5’ tank so 130G (128.39 if we are being precise). I am not sure if I will add more than 1 Tang, was just looking into the Mimic for a possibility. I have given up on Bristletooths because heard they can be harder to get eating as they like to eat detritus while Zebrasoma and some Acanthurus are traditional herbivores / omnivores.
     Just how delicate are the Genicanthus and Yellow Pyramid Butterflies? Do they get sick easily? Need very good water quality at all times? What about the Coral Beauty and Tangs?
    For smaller fish I am looking at 1 Ocellaris pair (Captive Bred), Yellow Watchman Goby and Tiger Pistol Shrimp combo, some damsels, Pajama Cardinal, some wrasses including Yellow Coris. That’s what I am considering for now.
    Royal Gramma, Midas Blenny, Long Nose Hawk, Borbonius Anthias, and Burgess Butterfly (Roaps) also on pending list.

butterflies and genicanthus are more peaceful fish compared to the others on your list, so adding them first would be a good idea. as for water quality, generally all of them need stable parameters to thrive.

that said, tangs are more prone to diseases due to their thin slime coat. bristletooth tangs are supposedly the most peaceful tang but ime they are aggressive towards blennies and gobies that resemble blennies, probably due to competition over their food source(algae). they do eat detritus but they clean up film algae and diatoms better than acanthurus and zebrasoma tangs, which eat more filamentous algae.

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4 minutes ago, soggycookies said:

butterflies and genicanthus are more peaceful fish compared to the others on your list, so adding them first would be a good idea. as for water quality, generally all of them need stable parameters to thrive.

that said, tangs are more prone to diseases due to their thin slime coat. bristletooth tangs are supposedly the most peaceful tang but ime they are aggressive towards blennies and gobies that resemble blennies, probably due to competition over their food source(algae). they do eat detritus but they clean up film algae and diatoms better than acanthurus and zebrasoma tangs, which eat more filamentous algae.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Thanks a lot, that’s really helpful. The inclusion of a blenny is also another reason why I have given up on a Bristletooth Tang, because I have read many cases of them having conflict. 

    For wrasses I am also considering a Hogfish like a Red Stripe and Green Coris so would love to know more about them.

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  • 4 months later...
Thanks a lot, that’s really helpful. The inclusion of a blenny is also another reason why I have given up on a Bristletooth Tang, because I have read many cases of them having conflict. 
    For wrasses I am also considering a Hogfish like a Red Stripe and Green Coris so would love to know more about them.
Like you I am also considering hawkfish. However I am worried that hawkfish might eat shrimps. Do you know if they are shrimp safe? I know they will probably eat smaller ornamental shrimp like sexy shrimp. But can they get along with something bigger like cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp?

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