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Pls help to identify this fish

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  • SRC Member
Per attached.

Can you take another photo of it but this time don't take marco shot.

The tell tale sign now is:

1. It is could be a butterfly(Accounting to shape). But then I could be wrong.

2. It's definitely a juv.




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  • SRC Member
According to this site this is a butterfly-fish named Chaetodon interruptus.

An Apolemichthys trimaculatus looks something like this


IMO, Not Butterful ........ Is Juv. Blue Lip Angel OR call 3 spot angel fish.. What U shown in the web. photo Are the Adult Angel...

Now is Juv. Stage...... :upsidedown::upsidedown:

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IMO, Not Butterful ........ Is Juv. Blue Lip Angel OR call 3 spot angel fish.. What U shown in the web. photo Are the Adult Angel...

Now is Juv. Stage...... :upsidedown::upsidedown:

Agree with Regal, that is definitely a Juv Blue Lip, as the fish matures, the black spot disappears and the blue lip is more prominent!

This is not an easy Angel to keep, so if you wanna buy it, makes sure you have had pretty good experience in keeping angels.... :)

Juz my 2 cts...

Vincent Ho

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Yes regal is right.

To Rav-65, three spopt is rather vulnerable when in juve size especially in very small size. Many aquarist tempt to buy them in very small size cos' they look very cute, but it will not survive long term cos' this fish will starve to death or refuse to eat at all, but i ever saw some of my friend have better luck when they buy an adult size at about 7-8 cm.

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Yes regal is right.

To Rav-65, three spopt is rather vulnerable when in juve size especially in very small size. Many aquarist tempt to buy them in very small size cos' they look very cute, but it will not survive long term cos' this fish will starve to death or refuse to eat at all, but i ever saw some of my friend have better luck when they buy an adult size at about 7-8 cm.

Yup, agree, I kept 2 before, the 1st one started eating in the Beta box, but after it was released into the maintank, it stopped eating, and soon was attacked by ich and died shortly after, the fella had a real sunken belly when it died, so I guess it died of hunger... The 2nd one died in the Beta box! :(

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

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