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Can I keep SPS Corals with these water parameters??

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Can I keep SPS Corals with these water parameters??


Temp (celsius): 25 to 26

PH : 7.66

KH : 9

Ammonia : 0

Nitrite : 0

Nitrate : 25

Phosphate : 0

Calcium : 420

Magnesium : 1485




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• 60cm x 45cm x 50cm tank

• Chiller at 25 to 26 Celsius

• OASE Biomaster 250

• 75W lighting

• Jebao SOW-5M Wavemaker

• RODI water with 25% weekly water change

• no protein skimmer/ no calcium reactor


▪︎2 Ocellaris Clown

▪︎1 White Bellied Yellow Wrasse

▪︎1 Yellow Tang

▪︎2 Green-Blue Chromis

▪︎1 Orange Spotted Goby

▪︎1 Tailspot Blenny

▪︎1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


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Why not get 1 or 2 frag to try out then u will know already. Parameters is one of the criteria, flow and lighting also play a big part.
I'm using 75W LED lighting with royal blue/ sky blue/ purple/ red/ green/ white CREE led

Tank size 60 x 45 x 50 with 5000l per hour flow

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• 60cm x 45cm x 50cm tank

• Chiller at 25 to 26 Celsius

• OASE Biomaster 250

• 75W lighting

• Jebao SOW-5M Wavemaker

• RODI water with 25% weekly water change

• no protein skimmer/ no calcium reactor


▪︎2 Ocellaris Clown

▪︎1 White Bellied Yellow Wrasse

▪︎1 Yellow Tang

▪︎2 Green-Blue Chromis

▪︎1 Orange Spotted Goby

▪︎1 Tailspot Blenny

▪︎1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


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Nitrate need abit lower but most important to be consistent with the parameter. Even if the big 3 is ideal, when there’s more corals it will absorb more of it so must prep for it like dosing pump or calcium reactor!

For PH try to aim for 8 to 8.2 IMO

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Not sure how long have your tank being cycled. U can get some “hardy” SPS frags and try first. Ex - fire-digi, Bali lime, bird nest, etc

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Not sure where went wrong but my birdnest sps has started to bleach from bottom up.

My azura blue and powder baby blue stag gas bleached. Now both of them have shown some slight brown on them. Are they still alive?

Thats why not sure whats wrong with my water parameters if any

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


• 60cm x 45cm x 50cm tank

• Chiller at 25 to 26 Celsius

• OASE Biomaster 250

• 75W lighting

• Jebao SOW-5M Wavemaker

• RODI water with 25% weekly water change

• no protein skimmer/ no calcium reactor


▪︎2 Ocellaris Clown

▪︎1 White Bellied Yellow Wrasse

▪︎1 Yellow Tang

▪︎2 Green-Blue Chromis

▪︎1 Orange Spotted Goby

▪︎1 Tailspot Blenny

▪︎1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


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22 hours ago, Dennerle said:


Can I keep SPS Corals with these water parameters??


Temp (celsius): 25 to 26

PH : 7.66

KH : 9

Ammonia : 0

Nitrite : 0

Nitrate : 25

Phosphate : 0

Calcium : 420

Magnesium : 1485




Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app




The water parameters shown is just part of what's measurable with hobby test kits. In reality, there are a lot more parameters that's important. Suggest to send the water for ICP test to get the full picture.  There is a possibility of pollutants or even some elements that could be zero ppm and hence limiting cell function.


At first glance, 0ppm phosphate is not good.

If unsure, another option is just to do a lot of water change (eg. 30 to 50% water change every 2-3 days). This is to refresh the water parameters and not start adding additives blindly.


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The water parameters shown is just part of what's measurable with hobby test kits. In reality, there are a lot more parameters that's important. Suggest to send the water for ICP test to get the full picture.  There is a possibility of pollutants or even some elements that could be zero ppm and hence limiting cell function.
At first glance, 0ppm phosphate is not good.
If unsure, another option is just to do a lot of water change (eg. 30 to 50% water change every 2-3 days). This is to refresh the water parameters and not start adding additives blindly.
Where can I go for ICP testing and cost?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


• 60cm x 45cm x 50cm tank

• Chiller at 25 to 26 Celsius

• OASE Biomaster 250

• 75W lighting

• Jebao SOW-5M Wavemaker

• RODI water with 25% weekly water change

• no protein skimmer/ no calcium reactor


▪︎2 Ocellaris Clown

▪︎1 White Bellied Yellow Wrasse

▪︎1 Yellow Tang

▪︎2 Green-Blue Chromis

▪︎1 Orange Spotted Goby

▪︎1 Tailspot Blenny

▪︎1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


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Several LFS do water collection occasionally. Follow their facebook page for announcement - ReefmarketSG, Iwarna or Reefing Reality.

Price range from about $60-$110 depending on the vendor (i.e. Fauna Marin, Marinlab or Triton). All are about the same.

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