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Male pinkish harlequin shrimp. Adult. HUGE. Going for $35. It's the one on the right. The female died due to unknown causes. :( Those who have seen it know how big it is. :lol:


Always something more important than fish.


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Next thing for sale is rock with 2 sea squirts. Bought for $12. Going for $10 as I am cutting down on my phyto dosage. Attached is a pic on how it looks normally if you feed it enough.


Always something more important than fish.


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Selling my bulls-eye pistol. Full set of claws + feet. Currently in sump as I did'nt like his roaming habits, which cause uneasiness to my other shrimps. Has not attempted to kill fish that are right next to it before, even small gobies. Will have conflict with other pistols in close quarters. This species is not a commensal species with shrimpgobies. It's a solitary but colorful crustacean. Going for $8. Small fellow..about half thumb length.


Always something more important than fish.


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This rock of caulerpa sp. (according to CF)..plus another small rock with caulerpa on it. Good for refugiums. Did'nt crash in my main tank under normal lighting conditions so far.. (months).. Both for $6.


Always something more important than fish.


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waoh. almost thought u were selling ur yellowhead jaw! how much u bought that for BTW? anywhere selling now?

Nah..not gonna sell such a stable specimen. First batch brought in by ML. Got it for $55. Think ML still brings them in. lck110 too.

Always something more important than fish.


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The rock of zoanthids going for $10. Outer rim used to be green but turned brown as I put it on the sandbed. Got it from ML's shipment for $25. Selling less than 50% of my cost. The open brain sold long ago.


Always something more important than fish.


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Nah..not gonna sell such a stable specimen. First batch brought in by ML. Got it for $55. Think ML still brings them in. lck110 too.

I dun think Lck110 still have... If got you got to buybecause after so long it still manage to survive den it is worth to buy it... Confirm stable... Or you can wait... ML will be bringing them in again...

Anyway Off-Topic :off:

Sorry bro...

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Harlequin shrimp price revised to $28. Do take note that it is adult size.

Sea squirts - $10 (2 individuals on one rock, bought for $12)

Zoanthids - $10 ($25 from ML)

Caulerpa - $5

1 ft long black sea cuke - $5

3/4 ft long pink and grey sea cuke - $5

Used I-box (smallest version). Customized to fit over 6cm bracing. Inner and outer box both heavily encrusted with coralline. Used since last october/nov (can't quite remember). Going for $60. Collection sometime next week.

Used 4ft X 1.5ft X 1.5ft tank w/o overflow. 6mm sides, 8 or 10 mm base (can't remember). Will let go free. Pls provide own transport. Would appreciate if buyer has some time to spare to help me when my new tank arrives.. If not it's okie.. :):peace:

Collection at bedok area. Happy reefing guys~ ;)

Always something more important than fish.


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Harlequin shrimp price revised to $28. Do take note that it is adult size.

Sea squirts - $10 (2 individuals on one rock, bought for $12)

Zoanthids - $10 ($25 from ML)

Caulerpa - $5

1 ft long black sea cuke - $5

3/4 ft long pink and grey sea cuke - $5

Used I-box (smallest version). Customized to fit over 6cm bracing. Inner and outer box both heavily encrusted with coralline. Used since last october/nov (can't quite remember). Going for $60. Collection sometime next week.

Used 4ft X 1.5ft X 1.5ft tank w/o overflow. 6mm sides, 8 or 10 mm base (can't remember). Will let go free. Pls provide own transport. Would appreciate if buyer has some time to spare to help me when my new tank arrives.. If not it's okie.. :)  :peace: 

Collection at bedok area. Happy reefing guys~  ;)



PLS SMS @ 9-7934281


REEFSHARK <:}}}}><

As fish are caught in a cruel net or birds are taken in a snare,so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them.Ecc 9:12

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