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Dosing Seachem Reef Builder kH


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Hi guys, I am following Seachem instruction and formula to raise 1kH using:


Gram = 0.08 x tank vol in litres x 0.357 meq/l


According to it, I supposed to premix in freshwater before adding on.


For me, I premix from the salt water from my tank because I do not want the freshwater solution to alter the salinity.


Will this be ok?


Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app




• 60cm x 45cm x 50cm tank

• Chiller at 25 to 26 Celsius

• OASE Biomaster 250

• 75W lighting

• Jebao SOW-5M Wavemaker

• RODI water with 25% weekly water change

• no protein skimmer/ no calcium reactor


▪︎2 Ocellaris Clown

▪︎1 White Bellied Yellow Wrasse

▪︎1 Yellow Tang

▪︎2 Green-Blue Chromis

▪︎1 Orange Spotted Goby

▪︎1 Tailspot Blenny

▪︎1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


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Not expert here, but i wouldnt do that, i guess it should be some kind sodium bicarbonate or carbonate, if u use saltwater, it will precipitate out as ur saltwater contain calcium. Dont think will affect salinity as normally for dosing regime is slow and in low amounts. You wouldnt want to dose in large amount to cause swings in ur dkh.

Not sure how this is different from traditional 2 part but 2 part dosing can cause salinity to raise over time as sodium chloride is formed as byproduct.

You probably should take the formulae with a pinch of salt, its hard to estimate the actual tank water volume. For me i would use the formulae den half the calculated dosage, pls measure ur dkh pre versus post after continuous dose for few days so u know how much per gram reef builder raise ur dkh/day.

Take it slow, if ur demand is not high and ur tank is nano, recommend not dose anything at all and just do WC. WC is old school but its gold. Hope it helps.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Not expert here, but i wouldnt do that, i guess it should be some kind sodium bicarbonate or carbonate, if u use saltwater, it will precipitate out as ur saltwater contain calcium. Dont think will affect salinity as normally for dosing regime is slow and in low amounts. You wouldnt want to dose in large amount to cause swings in ur dkh.

Not sure how this is different from traditional 2 part but 2 part dosing can cause salinity to raise over time as sodium chloride is formed as byproduct.

You probably should take the formulae with a pinch of salt, its hard to estimate the actual tank water volume. For me i would use the formulae den half the calculated dosage, pls measure ur dkh pre versus post after continuous dose for few days so u know how much per gram reef builder raise ur dkh/day.

Take it slow, if ur demand is not high and ur tank is nano, recommend not dose anything at all and just do WC. WC is old school but its gold. Hope it helps.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Just measured and it went up from 7 to 8 dkH using their recommended formula.

Guess I will stick to it by now.

Btw, they stated this for their ingredients exactly on bottle:

Contains carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, and sulfate salts of sodium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and potassium.

Maybe thats why the kH doesn't alter the magnesium and calcium because of the added magnesium and calcium etc

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


• 60cm x 45cm x 50cm tank

• Chiller at 25 to 26 Celsius

• OASE Biomaster 250

• 75W lighting

• Jebao SOW-5M Wavemaker

• RODI water with 25% weekly water change

• no protein skimmer/ no calcium reactor


▪︎2 Ocellaris Clown

▪︎1 White Bellied Yellow Wrasse

▪︎1 Yellow Tang

▪︎2 Green-Blue Chromis

▪︎1 Orange Spotted Goby

▪︎1 Tailspot Blenny

▪︎1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


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