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Shorter NS period


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my friends are affected. gradual decrease for their case.

I think its because MINDEF doesn't have enough money to pay the NSFs. :P

I pity those poor mother son's that served two and a half years and ORD-ed already. they must be fuming mad now.

then again. who cares.

ORD LOH! :lol:

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  • SRC Member

In the past, when recruits get promoted, their services extend by 6 months. This has resulted in a lot of dissatisfaction among the NSF. I wonder, with this implementation, if promotion will be more difficult?

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  • SRC Member
seriously, would you give a damn if you were a NSF about promotion? the whole idea is to just serve your time and move on with life.

unless you are a regular, in which a promotion is the difference between life and death quite literally.

In the past, when promotion means another 6 months service, I would agree that promotion is not very appealing to NSF. But it may be a different ballgame now, where promotion may mean additional allowance (could be as high as 25% if I am not wrong), and, to some people, may also mean "status" and better chances of good testmonials.

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you are wrong on that. testimonials do not depend on rank, but performance. a LCP can put in as good a performance as a CPL, a PTE can beat a 3SG in terms of a certain expertise, and a REC may even outshoot a CPT *I've seen it happening before.*

25% difference? not so high *unless you're an officer. my naval officer friend who was always on board ship got up to $1100*. the army's new and revamped pay structure pays a standard pay, with just $150 extra if you are in combat, $200 extra if Guards and $300 extra if you are in Commandos. I think those are the terms.

*this is only applicable for WOSES. don't know the pay structure of OFFICERS*

the abolishment of vocation pay has actually ruffled a lot of feathers as well. I remember my armourers telling me that they used to get $700+++ due to the nature of their combative job, and that after the pay revamp it was a reduction of $300.

as for status. what status? I'm sorry but I've met my fair share of a-hole 3SGs in the army who think that they are king. you may have the rank, but what about the respect that comes with the rank? you will never earn it at all.

bottom line is, if everybody remains a PTE/LCP, it doesn't make a difference to them. coz at the end of the day, whether you were a PTE/LCP/CPL, it wouldn't make much of a difference. what people want is that they want to get out of the SAF in one piece, and transceed on into the next phase of their life ASAP.

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  • SRC Member

I think its more to economic sense and also manpower.

The world economy is no longer the same as it what it used to be. singapore have to change in order to stay competitive. Can't afford to have the guys spending their precious prime time in the army doing nothing but eat, sleep and tcss.

moreover, with technology these days, do we really need have a real fight anymore ? look at gulf war, iraq war etc. all done in 1 mth. (dont take the aftermath into consideration)

give it a thought.

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ord loh !!!!!

but again reservist coming up on friday!!!!!!!!

is the reservist cycle affected haha... aniwei mine only 6yrs haha

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • SRC Member
seriously, would you give a damn if you were a NSF about promotion? the whole idea is to just serve your time and move on with life.

unless you are a regular, in which a promotion is the difference between life and death quite literally.

Actually, it does matter when you go back as a reservist for ICT. If you are Class 1 trained (I am not sure now if this has changed) in any specialist course (and of course I am talking about Other Ranks), you usually have higher responsibilities and holding an appointment when you are a reservists. But it accords you with certain privileges that the rest of your men under your section or command may not have during ICT.

Many years ago, I was also like you trying to finish my NS as soon as possible. I am not the active kind so I did poorly for my BMT and just managed to scrape through (you should see how many times I reported sick!). I pleaded with my PC and OC to send me to some quiet place to complete my NS and I was sent to become a RP. After completing the 2-week RP course, I disrupted my NS to retake my "A" levels. When I came back, they posted be to PLC to begin my SAFINCOS course. Of course, I curse and swear, and I did badly failing the course. Then, I went to be trained as a Class 2 Medical Orderly. This time I enjoyed the course (of course I still dislike the physical training exercises) and did very well especially my theory papers. A few months later, I was sent back to take the Class 1 Medical Orderly course which I also did quite well. Just prior to this course, I was pending to be downgraded to PES C (there was no C1 or C2, etc. at that time), and I was lucky enough to complete the course when I got downgraded 3 months later. I was a CPL when I ROD and was happy that I had finally completed NS.

At that time, I didn't realise the importance of the Class 1 course I took until I started serving as a reservist in ICT. I went to to a newly formed company and was given the appointment of senior medical orderly. I was promoted to SGT at the end of my first ICT, and 2SG in my second ICT. Appointment holders in my company was given privileges by my OC like staying out while the rest of the men stayed in, bathing back in camp while the rest did not have during field camps, supper, etc. On hindsight, I was lucky to suufer a bit in NS which is only 2.5 years, but as a reservist, I got to sort of enjoy for about 10 years which I just complete last year.

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  • SRC Member

hmm wonder they still got deduce the 2 month if you pass you get sliver or gold for your nafa be4 going into Army..???

For me I server 2 year 1 month... 2 months on leave and 2 month deduced for nafa.... :evil:

Think those who r in the army now or just went in be4 the 2 yrs NS been announce.. will be the one really cursing....

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