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Decommissioning sales


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  • SRC Member

Hi, pls Pm me if u interested in the following items:


1) Hailea chiller 1/4HP (4 yrs old) - $50

2) mag float glass cleaner - $10

3) pH pinpoint monitor with brand new ac adapter and calibration fluids - $80

4) small buffer barrel - $5

5) Jebao propeller pump SOW-15 - $25

6) External chiller probe - $20

7) Reef octopus return pump (water blaster 12500) - $150

8) Feeding station - $10

9) Coral feeding dropper (Brand new) - $3

10) Delightings 3ft T5 (2 tube) (need to change the tube clip holder) - $30

11) 3ft refugium light - $20

12) 3 pieces of live rocks (small and medium size) - $10

Livestock (all with me for 2 to 4 yrs) - Priority given to those who can take more livestocks and collect on Saturday 
1) Powder blue Tang (ich free) - $35

2) Yellow eyed Kole Tang - $60

3) electric blue hermit crab - $10

4) long nose hawk fish - $20

5) Golden stripe maroon clownfish - $20

6) A pair of True percula clownfish - $45

7) Sixline wrasse - $5

8) yellow belly blue damsel - $3

9) Starfish - $3

10) tomato clown - $3










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  • SRC Member

Updates (Price slashed. All to go)

Hi, pls Pm me if u interested in the following items:


1) mag float glass cleaner - $8

2) External chiller probe - $20

3) Reef octopus return pump (water blaster 12500) - $130

4) Delightings 3ft T5 (2 tube) (need to change the tube clip holder) - $25

5) 3ft refugium light - $15

6) Aquaforest NP Pro (left 40%) - $5

7) Rowa Kalk (left 90%) - $8

Livestock (all with me for 2 to 4 yrs) - Priority given to those who can take more livestocks and collect on Saturday 

1) Golden stripe maroon clownfish - $20

2) A pair of True percula clownfish - $45

3) yellow belly blue damsel - $2

4) Starfish - $2

5) tomato clown - $2

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