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what pump rate for weipro 2013??


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u should not restrict flow of the pump.

that is the valve should be open to maximum and check on your water level

mark. its indicated veri clearly on the arcylic body of the weipro.

from your phrasing I believe u are putting it insump? Weipro can be place

insump but there could be too much water level. Overflow is one such problem.

There is actually a hang on clip on the weipro, with it hang on, usually no such

flow problem. cause the water level mark can reach certain height (over the sump

tank/main tank)

Look at the black round plastic thingy around the weipro, wording shoud indicate

there water mark is.

for sump, reduce the water accordingly. for main tank, if u just hang it, no problem liao. monitor the skimmer, and adjust the valve next time to control skimmate.

Usually to prevent overflow problem next time, I keep adjustment of the valve to minimum but monitor the water mark n topup water accordingly. place some taping on tank to remind u to topup water. (minimum n maximum water mark)

hope this helps.

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imagine u totally submerge the skimmer in water, how does it work effectively..?

most skimmer are like dat.. not only weipro. a certain water level.

as time goes by, use the taping of each min n max to help u gauge.

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water level in the sump or tank will not affect anything on the weipro PS

if it is put outside when put in the sump .. water level should be higher then sump water level . water level in the PS is determined by the water output (faster output, = lower water level , slower = higher water level). adjusting would be done at the valve .

if the outlet of the PS is already maximum and your PS still overflows,then check if there is any blockage to the output hole or did u modify the output pipe , the output pipe should not be modified longer or shorter coz this will effect the water output rate (example : head loss on a return pump the further and higher pipe line will effect flow rate)

lastly , if everything is normal no blockage or modify then the pump is might be overated meaning the water input is too fast than the PS can output .

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if place hang outside still have effect.

but reduced chance of overflow.

I first started with weipro n know them inside out.

I got many times flood in my house due to water level n adjustment of valve.

so it does matter. as long as u got the optimum water level, n valve tuning is best keep to minimum.

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Use the pump specs that are listed on the outside of the weipro box for reference. I followed it and my skimmate was like coffee. If I did'nt remember wrongly the recommended pump for 2013 is only around 1200l/hr?

Always something more important than fish.


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Can you post a clearer pic of the way you connect your ps inlet and outlet, your 1st pic is not that clear. It not possible that 2013 will ever overflow with if dymax 2500 if outlet is open all the way i used to be using sicce extrema with 2013 which is also rated @ 2500l/hr no overflowing problem at all. In fact i even close the outlet valve a bit cause water level inside a bit the too low. Sicce is definately more powerful than dymax cause i use dymax before, so i really don't see how your your 2013 can overflow. There must be something wrong with your configuration.

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a drawing of the connection.

yesterday I try to control the air intank... and with the water ouput valve


No more overflow... and foam on the cap of the cup.....


water output valve removed?

Its the same as open the output valve to the maximum.

Usually with my weipro3000/5000 PH, I still have to adjust

for some restriction of flow to get better skimming. also

depends on water level lah.

anyway as long as it works good for u.

Personally I never control any air intake. IMO more air can

mix with the skimmer to get better contact rate of bubbles with

the water. of course there are some who prefer smaller bubbles. :lol:

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Totally agree with billy. I never seen anyone resticting air intake for weipro skimmer. Maybe you can bring your skimmer output pipe abit higher, seem to me the output of water from skimmer not gonna been very smooth base on your sketch.

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output of the water not smooth? After out the valve... means no restriction on the output..... and the water flow out is 100% full blow......me blur........... :ooh:

The spec on the skimmer tell me the pump rate is 500g/hr (2000 litre / hr)

should I chg the pump???

Trying to control the air inlet is to stop overflowing..... me just trying diff ways... before getting a new pump................. :rolleyes:

Now the skimmate is like tea-o...

bring the water output pipe higher means restrict on the output.... may overflow again.................... :erm:

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your english too solid. dun half understand wat u meant.

simei is out with the valve? take out? 100% full blow?? I have no problem using a weipro 5000 powerhead, rated 3000+L/hr pump. no

overflow problem.

trying to control air inlet is to control the foam buildup, not stop

overflow. I think somewhere u got it wrong on the skimmer works.

If u check the valve, u see if u turn the nob, there is some passageway being block slowly.. try it n see. ensure u open the

valve fully, n the valve is not block.

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