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Corals for sale


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Hi all,

This time, I'm helping my friend clear his corals.... decided to convert to fowlr.

Here's the list. I'm sorry, I do not have pics..so here's my description:

- 3 pieces of blue trumpet coral( at least 10 heads per piece): $15 each

- 1 large green hammer with pink tips(5 branches all aligned in a straight line): $40

- 3-4 loose frags of orange hairy mushroom with solid green centre: $15 per frag

(about 3-5 polyps per frag)

- 1 table acropora(5-6 inches across,pastel green with good polyp extension): $70

- 3 frags from the above acro with mutiple branches and above 3 inches: $20 per frag

Corals still recovering from shifting to my tank also for sale if u dun mind!:

-1 large bluish grey bubble coral(after extension, diameter above 6 inches): $50

No Reservation Please! First come first served and prices non-negotiable

Viewing at spottiswoode park..Call me at 97689935 if interested. Do not PM me.... Collection today preferably!



"Save a reef, grow your own"

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hi flub!

Possible to collect tonight? im giving priority to these people. Anyway, im so sorry but i do now have pics of them but they are nicely coloured! Can come view first if u like

"Save a reef, grow your own"

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Hi all,

This time, I'm helping my friend clear his corals.... decided to convert to fowlr.

Here's the list. I'm sorry, I do not have pics..so here's my description:

- 3 pieces of blue trumpet coral( at least 10 heads per piece): $15 each

1 Left

- 1 large green hammer with pink tips(5 branches all aligned in a straight line): $40

- 3-4 loose frags of orange hairy mushroom with solid green centre: $15 per frag

(about 3-5 polyps per frag)

- 1 table acropora(5-6 inch across,pastel green with good polyp extension): $70


- 3 frags from the above acro with mutiple branches and above 3 inches: $20 per frag

Corals still recovering from shifting to my tank also for sale if u dun mind!:

-1 large bluish grey bubble coral(after extension, diameter above 6 inches): $50

No Reservation Please! First come first served and prices non-negotiable

Viewing at spottiswoode park..Call me at 97689935 if interested. Do not PM me.... Collection today preferably!



"Save a reef, grow your own"

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Some updates:

- 3 pieces of blue trumpet coral( at least 10 heads per piece): $15 each

1 Left

- 1 large green hammer with pink tips(5 branches all aligned in a straight line): $40

- 3-4 loose frags of orange hairy mushroom with solid green centre: $15 per frag

(about 3-5 polyps per frag)

- 1 table acropora(5-6 inch across,pastel green with good polyp extension): $70


- 3 frags from the above acro with many branches and above 3 inch: $20 per frag

1 Left

Corals still recovering from shifting to my tank also for sale if u dun mind!:

-1 large bluish grey bubble coral(after extension, diameter above 6 inches): $50

No Reservation Please! First come first served and prices non-negotiable

Viewing at spottiswoode park..Call me at 97689935 if interested. Do not PM me.... Collection today preferably!



"Save a reef, grow your own"

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Latest updates:

- 3 pieces of blue trumpet coral( at least 10 heads per piece): $15 each

All sold!

- 1 large green hammer with pink tips(5 branches all aligned in a straight line): $40

- 3-4 loose frags of orange hairy mushroom with solid green centre: $15 per frag

(about 3-5 polyps per frag)

- 1 table acropora(5-6 inch across,pastel green with good polyp extension): $70


- 3 frags from the above acro with many branches and above 3 inch: $20 per frag

1 Left

Corals still recovering from shifting to my tank also for sale if u dun mind!:

-1 large bluish grey bubble coral(after extension, diameter above 6 inches): $50

No Reservation Please! First come first served and prices non-negotiable

Viewing at spottiswoode park..Call me at 97689935 if interested. Do not PM me.... Collection today preferably!



"Save a reef, grow your own"

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Latest updates:

- 3 pieces of blue trumpet coral( at least 10 heads per piece): $15 each

All sold!

- 1 large green hammer with pink tips(5 branches all aligned in a straight line): $40

- 3-4 loose frags of orange hairy mushroom with solid green centre: $15 per frag

(about 3-5 polyps per frag)

- 1 table acropora(5-6 inch across,pastel green with good polyp extension): $70


- 3 frags from the above acro with many branches and above 3 inch: $20 per frag

All sold!

Corals still recovering from shifting to my tank also for sale if u dun mind!:

-1 large bluish grey bubble coral(after extension, diameter above 6 inches): $50

No Reservation Please! First come first served and prices non-negotiable

Viewing at spottiswoode park..Call me at 97689935 if interested. Do not PM me.... Collection today preferably!



"Save a reef, grow your own"

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Left with these corals for sale:

- 1 large green hammer with pink tips(5 branches all aligned in a straight line): $40

- 3-4 loose frags of orange hairy mushroom with solid green centre: $15 per frag

(about 3-5 polyps per frag)

Coral that is still recovering from shifting to my tank is also for sale if u dun mind!:

-1 large bluish grey bubble coral(after extension, diameter above 6 inches): $50

Lights for sale too

- 1 15w FL light set with actinic blue tube for sale. (Casing is 22.75 inches and tube is 18 inches) : $20

- 4 feet weipro FL light set (Comes with 2 tubes parallel to each other. 1 blue and 1 white tube): $60

As I do not have pics for them, viewing is welcome and don't worry, no obligations even if you don't wanna buy any.

No Reservation Please! First come first served and prices non-negotiable

Viewing at spottiswoode park..Call me at 97689935 or PM me if interested.

"Save a reef, grow your own"

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Revised the prices of some of the corals.

Left with these corals for sale:

- 1 large green hammer with pink tips(5 branches all aligned in a straight line): $30

- 3-4 loose frags of orange hairy mushroom with solid green centre: $10 per frag

(about 3-5 polyps per frag)

-1 large bluish grey bubble coral(after extension, diameter above 6 inches): $50

Lights for sale too

- 1 15w FL light set with actinic blue tube for sale. (Casing is 22.75 inches and tube is 18 inches) : $20

- 4 feet weipro FL light set (Comes with 2 tubes parallel to each other. 1 blue and 1 white tube): $50

As I do not have pics for them, viewing is welcome and don't worry, no obligations even if you don't wanna buy any.

No Reservation Please! First come first served and prices non-negotiable

Viewing at spottiswoode park..Call me at 97689935 or PM me if interested.


"Save a reef, grow your own"

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Just to add, the bubbles have recovered almost toatally and expansion is quite good now! Would love to keep it for myself but no choice, friend wants me to sell for him except for those smaller ones where I can keep for my self...

The hairy mushrooms have very nice and unique coloration too! Besides the orangy colour with greenish centre, noticed abit of purple too!!! Tri-colour hairy?? haha...Hurry while stocks last.

"Save a reef, grow your own"

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Revised the prices of some of the corals.

Left with these corals for sale:

- 1 large green hammer with pink tips(5 branches all aligned in a straight line): $30

- 3 loose frags of purplish orange hairy mushroom with solid green centre: $10 per frag

(about 2-3 polyps per frag)

-1 large bluish grey bubble coral(after extension, diameter above 6 inches): $50

Lights for sale too

- 1 15w FL light set with actinic blue tube for sale. (Casing is 22.75 inches and tube is 18 inches) : $20

- 4 feet weipro FL light set (Comes with 2 tubes parallel to each other. 1 blue and 1 white tube): $50

As I do not have pics for them, viewing is welcome and don't worry, no obligations even if you don't wanna buy any.

No Reservation Please! First come first served and prices non-negotiable

Viewing at spottiswoode park..Call me at 97689935 or PM me if interested.


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